Media Partner

Halldale Group

Halldale Group is a modelling, simulation and training company operating in the B2B media space with a focus on training for safety critical enterprises. Halldale’s mission is to help individuals, teams and enterprises improve their performance through the latest training and simulation technology and thinking, to drive safety and operational efficiency.

2023 marks the 40th year of our corporate journey in this demanding and rewarding domain. At no time has the pace of change been so rapid as it is today. Technology, the regulatory environment and the working population have changed and continue to change at an ever-increasing rate. In the last two years, because of the pandemic, we have seen a step change in the acceptance and application of specific technologies accelerating this evolution.
To stay abreast of latest developments, Halldale employs a network of training subject matter experts across the world to collate, report and share examples of best practice with our community using our portfolio of magazines, newsletters, discussion platforms, live and virtual events, working groups, awards programs, and associated websites.

Halldale has offices in Fleet, UK and Orlando, USA a global hub for simulation.

Our operating ethos is to be ‘more than a for-profit company.’

Click here for more information about Halldale Group.


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