2015 VOLCEX-2SG :All DocumentsUse SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).Open MenuOpen Menu

collapse Type Name : 2015 VOLCEX-2SG ‎(23)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Report-of-VOLCEX-SG-2(final).pdfReport of VOLCEX SG/2Report-of-VOLCEX-SG-2(final)01 Dec. 2015Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(8)
AP104-15-MET.pdfLetter of invitationAP104-15-MET10 Aug. 2015Secretariat 
AP104 - Attachment 1 - Provisional Agenda.pdfAttachment 1 - Provisional AgendaAP104 - Attachment 1 - Provisional Agenda10 Aug. 2015Secretariat 
AP104 - Attachment 2 - Meeting Bulletin.pdfAttchment 2 - Meeting BulletinAP104 - Attachment 2 - Meeting Bulletin10 Aug. 2015Secretariat 
AP104 - Attachment 3 - Nomination Form.pdfAttachment 3 - Nomination FormAP104 - Attachment 3 - Nomination Form10 Aug. 2015Secretariat 
VOLPHIN15-01 - EXERCISE DIRECTIVE (Version 7.08.15).pdfVolcanic Ash Exercise Directive (VOLPHIN15/01)VOLPHIN15-01 - EXERCISE DIRECTIVE (Version 7.08.15)10 Aug. 2015Secretariat 
IP WP Template.docWP/IP TemplateIP WP Template02 Sept. 2015Secretariat 
group photo VOLCEX SG2.pdfGroup photogroup photo VOLCEX SG214 Sept. 2015Secretariat 
Final list of participants as of 16-09-15.pdfList of participants (For verification by the participatns, if any)Final list of participants as of 16-09-1522 Sept. 2015Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(8)
WP01_ICAO_A.I.2_Revised Review-VOLPHIN15-01Final_revised-2015-09-14.pdfWP/01Report on VOLPHIN 15/01 (Revised 14/09/15)WP01_ICAO_A.I.2_Revised Review-VOLPHIN15-01Final_revised-2015-09-1415 Sept. 2015Secretariat 
WP02_ JPN AI. 2 - Distribution of MET messages relating VA events.pdfWP/02Distribution of Meteorological Messages Relating Volcanic Ash EventsWP02_ JPN AI. 2 - Distribution of MET messages relating VA events11 Sept. 2015Japan 
WP03_ICAO AI.4 - Airspace and Airport Management During Volcanic Ash Events.pdfWP/03Airspace and Airport Management during Volcanic Ash EventsWP03_ICAO AI.4 - Airspace and Airport Management During Volcanic Ash Events14 Sept. 2015Secretariat 
WP04_JPN AI. 2 - Summary Report of VOLPHIN15.pdfWP/04Summary Report of volphin15/01WP04_JPN AI. 2 - Summary Report of VOLPHIN1511 Sept. 2015JCAB 
WP05_AUS AI.4 - Proposed VOLCEX2 Scenario.pdfWP/05Proposed Scenario for an APAC Volcanic Ash ExerciseWP05_AUS AI.4 - Proposed VOLCEX2 Scenario11 Sept. 2015Australia 
WP06_Ex Leader AI. 4 - Structure to conduct multiple volcanic ash exercises.pdfWP/06Proposal for Structure to Conduct Multiple Volcanic Ash ExercisesWP06_Ex Leader AI. 4 - Structure to conduct multiple volcanic ash exercises11 Sept. 2015Exercise Leader 
WP07_ICAO_A.I.3_Review-TOR.pdfWP/07Review Terms of ReferenceWP07_ICAO_A.I.3_Review-TOR14 Sept. 2015Secretariat 
WP08_PHL AI.2 - Report on VOLPHIN 15-01.pdfWP/08Report on VOLPHIN 15/01WP08_PHL AI.2 - Report on VOLPHIN 15-0114 Sept. 2015Philippines 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(4)
SP01_Lessons learned and Recommendations VaacTokyo.pdfSP/01Lessons Learned and Recommendations SP01_Lessons learned and Recommendations VaacTokyo11 Sept. 2015VAAC Tokyo 
SP02 - Scenario for the next exercises VaacTokyo.pdfSP/02Scenario for the Next ExerciseSP02 - Scenario for the next exercises VaacTokyo11 Sept. 2015VAAC Tokyo 
SP03_PHL volphin in pix.pdfSP/03VOLPHIN 15/01 in PicturesSP03_PHL volphin in pix14 Sept. 2015Philippines 
SP04_INDO_VA-Bali.pdfSP/04VA BaliSP04_INDO_VA-Bali16 Sept. 2015Indonesia 
collapse Category : Flimsy ‎(2)
FlimsyNo.01_ICAO A.I.2 - Review VOLPHIN15 - Recommendations.pdfFlimsy 01Recommendations from Review of VOLPHIN 15/01FlimsyNo.01_ICAO A.I.2 - Review VOLPHIN15 - Recommendations15 Sept. 2015Secretariat 
Flimsy 02 ICAO. AI. 6 - Recommendations.pdfFlimsy 02Draft Recommendations arising from VOLPHIN 15/1 and VOLCEX/SG/2Flimsy 02 ICAO. AI. 6 - Recommendations16 Sept. 2015Secretariat