Second Meeting of the APANPIRG Contributory Bodies Structure
Review Task Force (ABSRTF/2)

 (Bangkok, Thailand, 24 - 25 June 2015)

collapse Type Name :  ‎(17)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Draft  Report- ABSRTF_rev 1.pdfDraft  ReportDraft Report- ABSRTF_rev 130 June 2015Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(10)
AGA-0033 - ABSRTF-2.pdfInvitation Letter Ref.: AP-AGA0033/15AGA-0033 - ABSRTF-25 May 2015Secretariat 
AGA-0034 - ABSRTF-2.pdfInvitation Letter Ref.: AP-AGA0034/15AGA-0034 - ABSRTF-25 May 2015Secretariat 
Attachment A.pdfAttachment A – Provisional AgendaAttachment A5 May 2015Secretariat 
Attachment B.pdfAttachment B – Meeting BulletinAttachment B5 May 2015Secretariat 
Attachment C.docxAttachment C – Nomination FormAttachment C5 May 2015Secretariat 
Attachment D.pdfAttachment D – Task Force Member ListAttachment D5 May 2015Secretariat 
WP Template.docWP-IP TemplatesWP Template5 May 2015Secretariat 
Order of Business.pdfOrder of BusinessOrder of Business15 June 2015Secretariat 
Order of Presentations.pdfOrder of PresentationsOrder of Presentations15 June 2015Secretariat 
Group-photo ABSR TF2.pdfGroup PhotoGroup-photo ABSR TF224 June 2015Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(5)
AI 1 - WP 1 Adoption of provisional agenda.pdfWP01Provisional AgendaAI 1 - WP 1 Adoption of provisional agenda29 May 2015Secretariat 
AI 2 - WP 2 ABSRTF election of chairperson.pdfWP02Election of ChairpersonAI 2 - WP 2 ABSRTF election of chairperson29 May 2015Secretariat 
AI 3 - WP 3 ABSRTF review of TF terms of Reference.pdfWP03TOR of the Task ForceAI 3 - WP 3 ABSRTF review of TF terms of Reference29 May 2015Secretariat 
AI 4 - WP 4 review of APANPIRG structure- rev 3.pdfWP04       Revision 1Proposals for the Re-Organization of APANPIRG      AI 4 - WP 4 review of APANPIRG structure- rev 322 June 2015Secretariat 
AI 5 - WP 5 review TORs of contributory Bodies- rev 1 (2) MET.pdfWP05Proposals for Revised TOR of APANPIRG Contributory BodiesAI 5 - WP 5 review TORs of contributory Bodies- rev 1 (2) MET29 May 2015Secretariat 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(1)
Agenda Item 4 - ACBSRTF.2.pdfProposals for Re–Organization of APANPIRGAgenda Item 4 - ACBSRTF.214 July 2015Secretariat 

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