Fourth Meeting of the AFI Flight Plan Transition Task Force (FPLT TF/4)

Fourth Meeting of the AFI Flight Plan Transition Task Force (FPLT TF/4)
(Mahe, Seychelles, 20-22 February 2012)

Final Report
WP No.


 Item No.

WP/1​ ​1 ​Adoption of the agenda and election of Chairperson and Rapporteur
​WP/3 3​ Review of the regional strategy​
WP/5​ ​3 Review and development of guidelines​
​WP/12 ​4 Review of the Term of Reference (TOR) of the FPLT Task Force and Work programme​
​WP/14 4​ Review of the Term of Reference (TOR) of the FPLT Task Force and Work programme​
IP No.​


Item No.

​IP/1 -​ ​List of Working papers and Information papers
​IP/2 ​- Order of business and work schedule​
For further information please contact:
ICAO Nairobi Regional Office


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