The Twenty-seventh Meeting of the EUR Data Management Group (DMG/27) was held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 4 to 6 June 2019. Ten participants from seven States (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Romania, Russian Federation and the United Kingdom) and ICAO continued progress on the implementation and measurement of OPMET data requirements and exchange of OPMET data in the ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Model (IWXXM) format.
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The group agreed to provide the parent group of Data Management Group, METG/29 (17-20 September 2019), several working papers related to the progress on: IWXXM implementation including translation agreements, results of a recently conducted IWXXM implementation survey and information on a planned IWXXM Implementation Workshop (5-6 November 2019); an implementation plan on the creation of a new Regional OPMET Centre Moscow (subject to European Aviation Safety Planning Group (EASPG) approval); issues identified in OPMET data monitoring; status on the implementation of disseminating special air-reports; proposed new implementation tables related to availability, timeliness and format of some OPMET data and IWXXM implementation to be included in the electronic Air Navigation Plan Volume III – MET (subject to EASPG approval); and updates to the EUR OPMET Data Management Handbook (EUR Doc 018) and the Guidelines for the Implementation of OPMET Data Exchange using IWXXM in the EUR Region (EUR Doc 033) (subject to COG RCOG approval).