FMG/25 and RAFT/16, Paris, France - 15 to 18 October 2019

The 25th Meeting of the ICAO EANPG Frequency Management Group (FMG/25) combined with the Sixteenth Meeting of the Network Manager Radio Frequency Function (RAFT/16) was held in the ICAO EUR/NAT office from 15 to 18 October 2019.



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The evolution and challenges related to aviation frequency spectrum were discussed, namely the growing usage of data link and several possibilities to extend the datalink bank were analyzed. The group received in addition  a comprehensive lay-out of the 2018/2019 frequency congestion situation in the EUR Region.


Several proposals to improve Frequency Planning Criteria and Coordination were considered, and a prototype for an upgraded version (v6) of the SAFIRE (Spectrum and Frequency Information Resourced) web-based application, developed by EUROCONTROL, was reviewed by States.


Mr Silvio Zappi, Representative from Italy, was elected new FMG Chair. Mr Zappi will succeed Mr. Torsten Jacob who is stepping down after several years of valuable leadership to the group.


The Meeting was attended by 69 Participants from 30 States, 2 International Organisations and 2 Non-Governmental Organisations.

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