ICAO Frequency Management Group (FMG/28) - Brussels, 20 to 22 September 2022

The Twenty Eighth Meeting of the ICAO EASPG Frequency Management Group (FMG/28) combined with the Twenty Second Meeting of the Network Manager Radio Frequency Function Team (RAFT/22) was held from 20 to 22 September 2022 at the EUROCONTROL Headquarters in Brussels, as hybrid meeting.

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The meeting addressed the following: Review of latest Developments; WRC-23 Activities; Spectrum issues; Interference issues; Frequency planning criteria and coordination; Revisions to ICAO Documents and the ICAO EUR Doc 011; and SAFIRE version 6 developments.

The meeting agreed as well on the proposals to be submitted to the European Region Aviation System Planning Group (EASPG) for endorsement and implementation in the ICAO EUR Region. The Meeting was attended by 103 participants from 41 States, 2 International Organisations and 3 Industry representatives.

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