A36-WP/1 P/1 |
Provisional Agenda (01/12/06) |
A36-WP/1 Corrigendum No. 1 P/1 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (5/02/07) |
A36-WP/2 P/2 |
Supporting documentation for the election of Contracting States to be represented on the Council (24/01/07) |
A36-WP/3 EX/1 |
Term limits for the offices of Secretary General and President of the Council (31/01/07) |
A36-WP/4 P/3 |
Schedule for consideration of agenda items (Information paper) (11/05/07) |
A36-WP/5 P/4 |
Procedure for Assembly action on Reports and Report folder system (Information paper) (11/05/07) |
A36-WP/6 LE/1 |
Proposed consolidation of resolutions in the legal field (14/06/07) |
A36-WP/7 TE/1 |
Support of the ICAO policy on radio frequency spectrum matters (18/06/07) |
A36-WP/8 LE/2 |
Work programme of the Organization in the legal field (20/06/07) |
A36-WP/9 TE/2 |
Report of the work on flight recorders (21/06/07) |
A36-WP/10 TE/3 |
Protection of safety information (21/06/07) |
A36-WP/11 LE/3 |
Progress report on compensation for damage caused by aircraft to third parties arising from acts of unlawful interference or from general risks (25/07/07) |
A36-WP/12 LE/4 |
Acts or offences of concern to the international aviation community and not covered by existing air law instruments (14/08/07) |
A36-WP/13 TE/4 |
Recognition of certificates and licences issued by other States (26/06/07) |
A36-WP/14 TE/5 |
Report on the implementation of aerodrome certification requirements in Annex 14, Volume 1 (26/06/07) |
A36-WP/15 EC/1 |
Economic development and regulation of airports and air navigation services (26/06/07) |
A36-WP/16 EC/2 |
Development and economic regulation of international air transport (26/06/07) |
A36-WP/17 TE/6 |
Continued evolution of a performance-based global ATM system (27/06/07) |
A36-WP/18 EC/3 |
Progress made in implementing resolution A35-18, Appendix D, Section III: International cooperation in protecting the security and integrity of passports (28/06/07) |
A36-WP/19 EC/4 |
Implementation of resolution A35-19: Preventing the introduction of invasive alien species (28/06/07) |
A36-WP/20 EC/5 |
Developments in the statistics and forecasting programmes (29/06/07) |
A36-WP/21 EC/6 |
Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies in the air transport field (28/06/07) |
A36-WP/22 EX/2 |
Passenger and crew health and the prevention of the spread of communicable disease (05/07/07) |
A36-WP/23 AD/1 |
Blue rider (20/07/07) - Russian only |
A36-DP-AD/2 Item 49 AD/2 |
Protecting the purchasing power of the ICAO Budget (20/09/07) |
A36-WP/23 AD/1 |
Draft budget of the organization for 2008, 2009 and 2010 (20/07/07) |
A36-WP/25 EX/3 |
Activities of the international financial facility for aviation safety (IFFAS) (05/07/07) |
A36-WP/26 EX/4 |
Threat to civil aviation posed by man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS) (03/07/07) |
A36-WP/26 Addendum No. 1 EX/4 |
Addendum No. 1 (14/09/07) |
A36-WP/27 EX/5 |
Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies related to the safeguarding of international civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference (25/07/07) |
A36-WP/28 P/5 |
Assembly resolutions to be consolidated of to be declared no longer in force (06/07/07) |
A36-WP/29 Corrigendum No. 1 TE/7 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (06/09/07) |
A36-WP/29 TE/7 |
Implementation of the concept of performance based navigation (06/07/07) |
A36-WP/30 AD/2 |
Report on the cash surplus/deficit position (13/07/07) |
A36-WP/31 AD/3 |
Arrears of contributions of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (13/07/07) |
A36-WP/32 AD/4 |
Report on the working capital fund (13/07/07) |
A36-WP/33 AD/5 |
Confirmation of Council action in assessing the contributions of States which adhered to the convention (13/07/07) |
A36-WP/34 EX/6 |
Developments in ICAO related to civil aviation and the environment (13/09/07) |
A36-WP/35 EX/7 |
Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to environmental protection (Appendices B through G) (03/07/07) |
A36-WP/35 Revision No. 1 EX/7 |
Revision No.1 (13/09/07) |
A36-WP/36 AD/6,EX/8 |
Methodology used in calculating scales of assessment (16/07/07) |
A36-WP/37 AD/7 |
Report on the use of the information and communication technology (ICT) fund and possible means of financing the modernization of financial systems (16/07/07) |
A36-WP/38 Addendum No. 1 EX/9 |
Addendum No. 1 (02/08/07) |
A36-WP/38 EX/9 |
Report on the ICAO Universal Security Audit Programme (01/08/07) |
A36-WP/39 EX/10 |
ICAO policy on aviation emissions (10/09/07) |
A36-WP/39 Addendum No.1 EX/10 |
Addendum No. 1 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/40 EX/11 |
Enhancing the effectiveness of the assembly - Amendment of certain rules of the Standing Rules of Procedure of the Assembly (20/07/07) |
A36-WP/41 AD/8 |
Appointment of the external auditor of ICAO for the financial years 2008, 2009 and 2010 (18/07/07) |
A36-WP/42 AD/9 |
Study on the apportionment of costs between the administrative and operational services cost (AOSC) fund and the regular programme budget (19/07/07) |
A36-WP/43 AD/10 |
Financial Statements and Reports of the External Auditor for the financial year 2006 (20/07/07) |
A36-WP/44 Corrigendum No. 1 P/6 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (20/08/07) |
A36-WP/44 P/6 |
Report on the compliance with and implementation of the principle of equitable geographical representation in posts of the secretariat of ICAO (Resolution A24-20) (23/07/07) |
A36-WP/45 AD/11 |
Amendment of the financial regulations (20/07/07) |
A36-WP/45 Addendum No.1 AD/11 |
Addendum No. 1 (21/09/07) |
A36-WP/46 AD/12,EX/12 |
Financial aspects of the question of contributions in arrears (20/07/07) |
A36-WP/46 Revision No. 1 AD/12,EX/12 |
Revision No.1 (14/09/07) |
A36-WP/46 Revision No.1 Addendum No. 1 AD/12,EX/12 |
Addendum No. 1 (17/09/07) |
A36-WP/46 Revision No.1 Addendum No. 2 AD/12,EX/12 |
Addendum No. 2 (18/09/07) |
A36-WP/46 Revision No.1 Addendum No. 3 AD12,EX/12 |
Addendum No. 3 (20/09/07) |
A36-WP/46 Revision No.1 Addendum No. 4 AD12,EX/12 |
Addendum No. 4 (21/09/07) |
A36-WP/46 Revision No.1 Addendum No. 5 AD12,EX/12 |
Addendum No. 5 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/47 TE/8 |
The ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (07/08/07) |
A36-WP/48 EX/13 |
Update of the new policy on technical cooperation (23/07/07) |
A36-WP/49 EX/14 |
Activities and policy on technical cooperation provided under the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and through Trust Fund (TF) arrangements during the period 2004-2006 (23/07/07) |
A36-WP/50 TE/9 |
ICAO standards, recommended practices and procedures - A way forward (25/07/07) |
A36-WP/51 TE/10 |
From AIS to AIM - The strategic evolution of Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) (24/07/07) |
A36-WP/52 TE/11 |
Single European Sky, the establishment of the EUIR and the need for coordination of ATM modernisation programmes (24/07/07) |
A36-WP/53 EX/15 |
Progress report on the implementation of the ICAO Unified Strategy Programme (USP) (25/07/07) |
A36-WP/54 TE/12 |
Criteria of the flight safety level assessment (07/08/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/54 Corrigendum No.1 TE/12 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (20/09/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/55 EX/16 |
Developments in the aviation security programme since the 35th Session of the Assembly (22/08/07) |
A36-WP/56 TE/13 |
Role of the regional international organization of civil aviation in ensuring flight safety (Information paper) (07/08/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/57 EX/17 |
New potentialities of the analysis of the binocular vision abnormalities of civil aviation pilots (Information paper) (07/08/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/58 AD/13 |
Draft scales of assessments for 2008, 2009 and 2010 (26/07/07) |
A36-WP/59 EX/18 |
Medical certification of the aeronautical specialists of civil aviation of the member states of the agreement on civil aviation and airspace use (Information paper) (07/08/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/60 EX/19 |
Report on implementation of Assembly Resolutions A31-2, A32-1, and A33-3 (26/07/07) |
A36-WP/61 EX/20 |
Psycho-physiological support of flights in civil aviation of the member states of the agreement on civil aviation and airspace use (Information paper) (07/08/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/62 EX/21 |
Level of indicative contributions for the ICAO Aviation Security (AVSEC) Plan of Action (16/08/07) |
A36-WP/63 TE/14 |
Progress report on the implementation of the DGCA/06 recommendations (30/07/07) |
A36-WP/63 Addendum No. 1 TE/14 |
Addendum No. 1 (07/09/07) |
A36-WP/64 EX/22 |
Progress report on the implementation of the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) under the comprehensive systems approach (02/08/07) |
A36-WP/65 EC/7 |
Transitional provisions on codesharing (Information paper) (23/08/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/66 EX/23 |
Suggested priorities for the 2008-2010 work programme on aviation security (28/08/07) |
A36-WP/67 P/7 |
Statement presented by Azerbaijan (09/08/07) |
A36-WP/68 TE/15 |
Language proficiency level (23/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/69 P/8 |
Statement on current trends in ATM (Information paper) (27/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/70 EX/24 |
A comprehensive approach to managing aviation's environmental impacts (18/07/07) |
A36-WP/71 TE/16 |
Just culture (17/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/72 EX/25 |
Enhancement of the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) (20/08/07) |
A36-WP/73 EX/26 |
Conducting flight safety oversight audits (17/08/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/74 LE/5 |
Modernization of the Rome Convention of 1952 (23/08/07) |
A36-WP/75 EX/27 |
Tourism, air transport and climate change (21/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/76 AD/14 |
Financial statements and Report of the External Auditor for the financial year 2004 (27/08/07) |
A36-WP/77 AD/15 |
Financial Statements and Report of the External Auditor for the financial year 2005 (20/08/07) |
A36-WP/78 AD/16 |
Agenda items referred to the Administrative Commission (22/08/07) |
A36-WP/79 EC/8 |
Economic regulation and liberalization (Information paper) (31/07/07) - English only |
A36-WP/80 EX/28 |
Vision for the future of USOAP following completion of the current audit cycle (2005-2010) (24/08/07) |
A36-WP/80 Corrigendum EX/28 |
Corrigendum (19/09/07) |
A36-WP/81 EX/29 |
Human factors in civil aviation security (obligation and recommended operational practices) (24/08/07) |
A36-WP/82 EX/30 |
The Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP): Increasing transparency through notification to States (27/08/07) |
A36-WP/83 EX/31 |
The need for a risk-based approach in aviation security (27/08/07) |
A36-WP/84 EX/32 |
Security management systems (SEMS) (28/08/07) |
A36-WP/85 EX/33 |
Towards a carbon neutral and eventually carbon free industry (28/08/07) |
A36-WP/86 EX/34 |
Increasing international collaboration in response to security threats and incidents (28/08/07) |
A36-WP/87 EX/35 |
Strengthening aviation security in a resource-constrained environment (28/08/07) |
A36-WP/88 EX/36 |
Viewpoint of the Arab Republic of Egypt as a developing country on emissions trading for civil aviation (27/08/07) |
A36-WP/89 TE/17 |
ICAO safety evaluations/audits of international air operators (29/08/07) |
A36-WP/91 EX/38 |
Status report on AAMAC activities aimed at improving and enhancing air safety in Africa (Information paper) (29/08/07) - English and French only |
A36-WP/92 EX/39 |
Coordination of security assistance provided by States (27/08/07) |
A36-WP/93 EX/40 |
Strategic security management system (27/08/07) |
A36-WP/95 EX/42 |
Practical results of the implementation of the ICAO/IAC Project RER/01/901 (Information paper) (27/08/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/96 EX/43 |
Flight safety inspector training courses within the framework of the implementation of the ICAO/IAC Project RER/01/901 (27/08/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/97 TE/18 |
Analysing precursors of accidents: The need for a common approach (28/08/07) |
A36-WP/99 EC/9 |
Transparency in international air transport services - The publication and distribution of air services arrangements (31/08/07) |
A36-WP/100 EC/10 |
ANSP governance and performance (20/08/07) |
A36-WP/101 EC/11 |
ANS performance measurement and benchmarking (20/08/07) |
A36-WP/102 EC/12 |
Tourism and air transport liberalization (24/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/103 EC/13 |
Airports: vital catalysts for economic growth (Information paper) (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/104 EC/14 |
A framework for civil aviation in Africa (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/105 EC/15 |
Air cargo and market access (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/106 EC/16 |
The benefits of consultation in the industrial arena (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/107 EC/17 |
Air Carrier ownership and control (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/108 Replacement TE/19 |
Replacement (10/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/108 Corrigendum No. 1 TE/19 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (Information paper) (20/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/108 TE/19 |
Airprox investigation in the United Kingdom (Information paper) (28/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/109 EC/18 |
Aviation growth, development and economics (Information paper) (29/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/110 TE/20 |
Business aviation safety statistics (29/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/110 Corrigendum No.1 TE/20 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (20/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/111 TE/21 |
Integrated Airline Management System (Integrated AMS) (Information paper) (29/08/07) |
A36-WP/112 TE/22 |
"Just Culture"and safety occurrence reporting (29/08/07) |
A36-WP/113 TE/23 |
Transforming today's air transportation system to meet tomorrow's challenges (29/08/07) |
A36-WP/114 TE/24 |
Institutional hurdles to implementation of the ICAO global ATM operational concept (29/08/07) |
A36-WP/115 TE/25 |
Statement on the future of global ATM (29/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/116 EX/45 |
Airports and the environment (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/117 EX/46 |
ICAO technical assistance in the area of safety (30/08/07) |
A36-WP/118 EX/47 |
A global solution to the problems associated with the additional security restrictions on the carriage of liquids, aerosols & gels (LAGs) in hand baggage - Recommended further action (31/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/119 EC/19 |
Economic development and regulation of airports (31/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/120 EC/20 |
Economic performance of ATM (30/08/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/121 EX/48 |
Major developments in Australian aviation security (Information paper) (31/08/07) - English only |
A36-WP/122 TE/26 |
IATA safety audit for ground operations (Information paper) (31/08/07) |
A36-WP/122 Corrigendum No.1 TE/26 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (Information paper) (20/09/07) |
A36-WP/123 TE/27 |
Separation of ANS provision from regulatory oversight (31/08/07) |
A36-WP/124 Corrigendum No. 1 TE/28 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (17/09/07) |
A36-WP/124 TE/28 |
Enhancement of ICAO role for aviation safety (31/08/07) |
A36-WP/125 TE/29 |
Dissemination of safety-related information drawn from investigations into accidents and incidents (31/08/07) |
A36-WP/125 Corrigendum No.1 TE/29 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (20/09/07) |
A36-WP/126 TE/30 |
Enhancement of fundamental principles concerning confidentiality and the non-punitive nature of safety information (31/08/07) |
A36-WP/127 EX/49 |
S.A.F.E. - The World Tourism Organization strategy on Security and Facilitation Enhancement (12/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/128 Corrigendum No.1 P/9 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (17/09/07) |
A36-WP/128 P/9 |
Nomination by the Latin American and Caribbean States for the ICAO Council elections (2008-2010) (Information paper) (05/09/07) |
A36-WP/130 EX/50 |
Viewpoint of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission on the aviation emissions trading scheme (07/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/131 EX/51 |
ICAO guidelines fro dealing with the adverse environmental effects of aircraft engine emissions (07/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/132 EX/52 |
Review of night curfew restrictions (06/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/133 TE/31 |
Recommendations for updating Resolution A35-14 and review of Resolution A35-15 (06/09/07) |
A36-WP/134 LE/6 |
Evolution of guidelines for regional legal framework to govern the implemenattion of GNSS (SBAS) (06/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/135 EX/53 |
Benefits of electronically sharing aeronautical information publications (AIP) among ICAO Member States (06/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/135 Revision No. 1 EX/53 |
Revision No. 1 (17/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/136 EX/54 |
Limit on the number of mandates for the positions of Secretary General and President of the Council (06/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/137 EX/55 |
Fuel savings and environmental protection initiatives by India (Information paper) (06/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/138 EX/56 |
Transition to a new policy on technical co-operation (06/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/139 TE/32 |
Readiness of States to implement the amendments to the SARPs and PANS that have entered into force (06/09/07) |
A36-WP/140 LE/7 |
Report on the establishment of a legal framework with regard to CNS/ATM systems including GNSS (Information paper) (06/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/141 EC/21 |
Development of airport infrastructure in India (Information paper) (06/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/142 EC/22 |
Policy initiatives for enhancing international air connectivity (Information paper) (06/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/143 EC/23 |
Policy on charges for air navigation services in the airspace of the Russian Federation (Information paper) (07/09/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/144 TE/33 |
Operation and modernization of the cress-polar air route structure (05/09/07) |
A36-WP/145 EC/24 |
LACAC proposal to publish a manual of facilitation procedures and guiding elements for the coordination of FAL/AVSEC procedures (06/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/145 Revision No. 1 EC/24 |
Revision No. 1 (14/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/146 TE/34 |
State regulation of the air navigation system of the Russian Federation (Information paper) (06/09/07) |
A36-WP/146 Revision No.1 TE/34 |
Revision No.1 (18/09/07) |
A36-WP/147 EX/57 |
Experiences of establishing a regional safety organisation - The case of East African Community Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA) (Information paper) (07/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/148 P/10 |
Pakistan's candidature for re-election to the ICAO Council (Information paper) (06/09/07) |
A36-WP/149 P/11 |
Report on the recruitment and status of women in ICAO (10/09/07) |
A36-WP/150 TE/35 |
ICAO collaboration on frequency spectrum requirements for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations (07/09/07) |
A36-WP/151 TE/36 |
Language proficiency requirements (10/09/07) |
A36-WP/152 TE/37 |
Implementation status of CNS/ATM systems in India (Information paper) (07/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/153 TE/38 |
Implementation of performance-based navigation system procedures-capacity enhancement initiatives at Mumbai and Delhi airports (Information paper) (07/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/154 EX/58 |
Restructuring and reorganizing of the ICAO Secretariat (10/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/155 TE/39 |
GPS aided GEO augmented navigation (GAGAN) - India (Information paper) (10/09/07) |
A36-WP/156 TE/40 |
The concept of establishment and development of the air navigation system of the Russian Federation (Information paper) (07/09/07) |
A36-WP/157 TE/41 |
Implementation of ATM Safety Management System in the Russian Federation (Information paper) (07/09/07) |
A36-WP/158 TE/42 |
New approach radars for Iranian airports (ARIA systems) (Information paper) (10/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/159 EC/25 |
The case for liberalizing access to the air cargo market (Information paper) (10/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/160 TE/43 |
Aerodrome licensing in India (Information paper) (10/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/161 P/12 |
Candidature of the Republic of Singapore (Information paper) (11/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/163 P/13 |
Candidature of Malaysia (Information paper) (12/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/164 TE/44 |
Cabin crew as safety and security professionals (Information paper) (11/09/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/165 Corrigendum No. 1 TE/45 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (17/09/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/165 Corrigendum No.2 TE/45 |
Corrigendum No. 2 (Information paper) (20/09/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/165 TE/45 |
ICAO secretariat study on the safety and security aspects of economic liberalization (11/09/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/166 EX/59 |
Aviation and emissions - Meeting the challenge of aviation growth (12/09/07) |
A36-WP/167 P/14 |
Candidature of Tunisia (Information paper) (12/09/07) - Arabic, English and French only |
A36-WP/168 EC/26 |
Machine readable passports in China (Information paper) (12/09/07) - Chinese and English only |
A36-WP/169 TE/46 |
Airport regulatory oversight/Safety management systems (12/09/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/170 P/15 |
Development of civil aviation in The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Information paper) (12/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/171 EX/60 |
Request for development of detailed guidance material on restrictions on liquids, aerosols and gels for carriage onboard aircraft (12/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/172 EX/61 |
Environmental management at Indonesian airports: ''Striving for better environment'' (Information paper) (13/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/173 EX/62 |
Aviation security in Indonesia (Information paper) (12/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/174 EX/63 |
Strengthening the screening of liquids (12/09/07) - Chinese and English only |
A36-WP/175 TE/47 |
Application of ADS-B system in Civil Aviation Flight University of China (Information paper) (14/09/07) - English and Chinese only |
A36-WP/176 TE/48 |
RVSM implementation plan and flight level harmonization in China (14/09/07) - English and Chinese only |
A36-WP/177 EC/27 |
Progress and challenges of China's international air transport (13/09/07) - (Information paper) Chinese and English only |
A36-WP/178 TE/49 |
Airport and air traffic management modernization (MAGTA) (Information paper) (11/09/07) |
A36-WP/179 EX/64 |
The contributions of ICAO safety and security audits of States after 2008 (13/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/180 EX/65 |
Discreet, secure, hands-free, wireless communications for civil aviation cabin crew members (12/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/180 Corrigendum No. 1 EX/65 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (04/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/182 EX/67 |
Management of the climate change impacts of aviation (14/09/07) |
A36-WP/183 TE/50 |
Language proficiency requirements deficiencies (13/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/184 TE/51 |
Implementation of ICAO English language proficiency requirements in Singapore (Information paper) (13/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/186 EX/68 |
Prevention of spread of communicable disease through air travel: A view from Asia (13/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/187 TE/52 |
A report on the importance of urging States to prescribe the compliance of manufacturers of aircraft with a maximum take-off mass of over 5,700 KG with the FDR specifications in Annex 6, Part 1 (Information paper) (13/09/07) - English and Arabic only |
A36-WP/188 TE/53 |
ICAO Global Aviation Safety (Information paper) (13/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/189 TE/54 |
Singapore's contribution to aviation safety through training (Information paper) (13/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/190 TE/55 |
The establishment of training as a stand-alone entity within the ICAO structure (17/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/191 TE/56 |
Certification of aircraft handling service providers (17/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/192 TE/57 |
Implementation of SMS requirements for Singapore air operators and approved maintenance organizations (Information paper) (13/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/193 TE/58 |
The urgency of wake turbulence safety problems in civil aviation (13/09/07) |
A36-WP/194 EC/29 |
Effective flexibilization in the air market access (17/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/195 TE/59 |
The European Strategic Safety Initiative (ESSI) (Information paper) (17/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/195 Corrigendum No.1 TE/59 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (Information paper) (20/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/196 EX/69 |
Reinforce management to prevent the spread of communicable diseases through air travel (19/09/07) - Chinese and English only |
A36-WP/197 EX/70 |
World Tourism Organization activities on avian and human influenza preparedness (17/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/198 P/16 |
The European Union's committment to cooperation with the world aviation community (14/09/07) - (Information paper) English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/199 Corrigendum No.1 EX/71 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (21/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/199 EX/71 |
Non-chemical approaches to aircraft disinsection (14/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/200 TE/60 |
Transition plan for a move from local geodetic coordinate databases to the WGS-84 in countries with fewer technical and economic resources available for direct geodetic surveys (14/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/201 TE/61 |
DGCA/06 recommendations sharing of safety information (19/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/202 TE/62 |
Global aviation safety roadmap (19/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/203 AD/17 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Items 52, 56, 57, 58, 59 and 7 (21/09/07) |
A36-WP/204 AD/18 |
Draft text for the General Section of the Administrative Commission's Report and for the Report on Agenda Items 50, 51, 54, 55, 60 and 61 (22/09/07) |
A36-WP/206 TE/63 |
Halon replacement in civil aviation aircraft (17/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/207 TE/64 |
Halon replacement in civil aviation aircraft (Information paper) (17/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/208 TE/65 |
Occupational safety and health protections for cabin crew members (17/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/210 TE/67 |
Personnel regulation as a tool to support safety and security in air traffic services (17/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/211 AD/20 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 53 (23/09/07) |
A36-WP/212 EX/72 |
Initiative for the adoption of technological information platforms (17/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/213 EC/30 |
Iniciativa para la formaciõn y entrenamiento en documentod de viaje de lectura mecánica (20/09/07) - Spanish only |
A36-WP/214 TE/68 |
Establishment of consolidated centres of the Joint ATM System of the Russian Federation (Information paper) (17/09/07) |
A36-WP/215 P/17 |
Election of Contracting States to be represented on the Council (Information paper) (17/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/216 TE/69 |
GNSS activities in Indonesia (Information paper) (18/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/217 TE/70 |
Addressing unmanned aircraft system (UAS) accident investigation and prevention by ICAO member States (18/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/217 Corrigendum No. 1 TE/70 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (20/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/218 P/18 |
UAE decision to seek a seat on the council of ICAO (Information paper) (17/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/219 TE/71 |
Experience of China's strengthening its management of wildlife at airports (Information paper) (17/09/07) - Chinese and English only |
A36-WP/220 TE/72 |
Recommendations on amendment of ICAO Annex 14 (17/09/07) - Chinese and English only |
A36-WP/221 TE/73 |
China's implementation of SMS at airports (Information paper) (17/09/07) - Chinese and English only |
A36-WP/222 EX/73 |
Introduction of expost evaluation in the projects of technical cooperation made through ICAO (18/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/223 Corrigendum No.1 EX/74 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (18/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/223 EX/74 |
Comments on the new policy on Technical Cooperation (18/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/224 TE/74 |
Development of States' safety programmes (18/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/224 Corrigendum No. 1 TE/74 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (20/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/224 Revision No.1 TE/74 |
Revision No. 1 (20/09/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/225 TE/75 |
Report on upgrading requirements in Annex 6 - Volume I to provide for a two hour recording duration on all aircraft (Information paper) (17/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/227 EC/31 |
Fair competition and safeguards (17/09/07) - English and Arabic only |
A36-WP/228 EC/32 |
Regional blocs and their impact on reaching a multi-lateral agreement (17/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/230 LE/8 |
Regional multinational organisms (18/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/231 EX/75 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 16 (21/09/07) |
A36-WP/232 TE/76 |
Implementation of a ''Just Culture'' concept (18/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/232 Revision No.1 TE/76 |
Revision No. 1 (20/09/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/233 LE/9 |
Compensation for damage caused by aircraft to third parties arising from acts of unlawful interference (18/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/234 LE/10 |
Convention on international interests in mobile equipment and its protocol related to matters specific to aircraft equipment (18/09/07) - English and Arabic only |
A36-WP/235 EX/76 |
Addressing aviation emissions based on the principle common but differentiated responsibilities (18/09/07) |
A36-WP/236 EX/77 |
Environmental protection in Civil Aviation (18/09/07) - English and Arabic only |
A36-WP/237 P/19 |
Statement presented by Kiribati (Information paper) (19/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/239 EX/78 |
Methodology of adopting international standards and recommended practices (SARPS) (20/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/239 Revision No. 1 TE/66 |
Revision No. 1 (24/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/240 EX/79 |
Taxation of aircraft fuel and emissions trading (18/09/07) |
A36-WP/241 EX/80 |
Representation of States on the ICAO Council by members of a rotation group (18/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/242 TE/77 |
Development of an up-to-date consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to a global ATM system and communications, navigation and surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM) systems (18/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/243 W |
Withdrawn |
A36-WP/244 P/21 |
Candidatures of African Contracting States (Information paper) (18/09/07) - English and French only |
A36-WP/245 TE/79 |
Sharing an efficient tool for managing compliance with ICAO standards and recommended practices (20/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/246 TE/80 |
Rationalization of the ICAO SARPS system (18/09/07) |
A36-WP/247 EX/81 |
Non-chemical means of disinsection for the aircraft cabin and flight deck (17/09/07) - English, French and Spanish only |
A36-WP/248 TE/81 |
Proposal for an international register of air operator certificates (AOC) (19/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/249 P/22 |
Candidature of the Republic of Korea (Information paper) (19/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/250 TE/82 |
Status of the GLONASS system and its use within GNSS (19/09/07) - English and Russian only |
A36-WP/251 EX/82 |
Environment and emission trading charges (19/09/07) - English and French only |
A36-WP/252 EX/83 |
The Second International Conference for Arab Civil Aviation Security held in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 26 to 28 March 2007 (Information paper) (19/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/253 EX/84 |
Situation of ICAO regional offices located in Africa (19/09/07) - English and French only |
A36-WP/254 P/23 |
Uganda's candidature for election to ICAO Council (Part III) (Information paper) (19/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/255 EX/85 |
Harmonization of international regional and national legislation in the field of civil aviation security (18/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/256 LE/11 |
Proposal for a legal seminar in the Asia Pacific region (19/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/257 TE/83 |
Development and distribution of safety information reporting system to share information among States (19/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/258 EX/86 |
Increasing ICAO Council membership to a minimim of 39 seats (21/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/259 P/24 |
Candidature of Ecuador for election to the Council (21/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/260 TE/84 |
The Republic of Korea - ICAO fellowship training programme for developing countries (Information paper) (19/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/261 P/25 |
Statement presented by Viet Nam (Information paper) (19/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/262 EX/87 |
International financial support to resolve safety-related deficiencies (Information paper) (19/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/263 EX/88 |
Development of the USOAP beyond 2010 (19/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/264 P/26 |
Candidature of Iceland (Information paper) (19/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/265 P/27 |
Statement by the Director of the International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) (Information paper) (19/09/07) |
A36-WP/267 EC/33 |
Taxation of aircraft fuel (19/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/269 P/28 |
Candidature of Lebanon (Information paper) (20/09/07) - Arabic, English and French only |
A36-WP/270 W |
Withdrawn |
A36-WP/272 EX/89 |
Aviation Experts Sans Frontières (20/09/07) - English and Arabic only |
A36-WP/273 EX/90 |
Report of the High-level Meeting on a Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for Aviation Safety in Africa (20/09/07) |
A36-WP/275 EC/34 |
The safety deficiencies arising out of the United States sanctions against the civil aviation of the Islamic Republic of Iran (20/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/277 P/30 |
Statement presented by Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Information paper) (24/09/07) - Arabic and English only |
A36-WP/278 P/31 |
Candidature of Trinidad and Tobago (Information paper) (20/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/280 EC/35 |
Impact in the sphere of civil aviation of the U.S. economic trade and financial embargo on Cuba (21/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/281 EC/36 |
Observations on the present proposal for extending the Appendix on Air Transport Services in the WTO's GATS (21/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/282 EC/37 |
Evolution of the liberalization of the services of air transport in the State members of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission - LACAC (Information paper) (21/09/07) - English and Spanish only |
A36-WP/283 EC/38 |
Restrictions on the purchase or lease of aircraft and spare parts by certain states in violation of the Chicago Convention (21/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/284 EX/91 |
Proposal for a study of policy and programme with respect to examining the international governance of civil aviation (21/09/07) |
A36-WP/284 Revision No.1 EX/91 |
Revision No. 1 (24/09/07) |
A36-WP/285 EX/92 |
Chile's position on the inclusion of civil aviation in emissions trading (21/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/286 P/32 |
Statement presented by Armenia (Information paper) (21/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/287 EX/93 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 15 (22/09/07) |
A36-WP/289 EX/95 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 12 (21/09/07) |
A36-WP/290 P/33 |
Candidature of Indonesia (Information paper) (21/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/291 EX/96 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 13 (21/09/07) |
A36-WP/291 Revised EX/96 |
Revised (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/292 EX/97 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 14 (21/09/07) |
A36-WP/293 P/34 |
Statement presented by the International Labour Organization (Information paper) (21/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/294 LE/12 |
Draft text for the General Section on the Legal Commission's Report and on Agenda Items 7 and 8 (21/09/07) |
A36-WP/295 TE/87 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Items 7 and 8 (22/09/07) |
A36-WP/296 LE/13 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 45 (21/09/07) |
A36-WP/297 LE/14 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Items 46 and 47 (21/09/07) |
A36-WP/298 TE/88 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Items 25, 26 and 27 (22/09/07) |
A36-WP/299 AD/21 |
Report of the Contributions Working Group on Agenda Item 53 (22/09/07) |
A36-WP/300 TE/89 |
An outline of the development of work on flight data recorder systems (Information paper) (22/09/07) - English electronic version only |
A36-WP/301 LE/15 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 48 (22/09/07) |
A36-WP/302 EX/98 |
United States preparations for pandemic influenza (Information paper) (22/09/07) - English electronic version only |
A36-WP/303 TE/90 |
Civil military cooperation (Information paper) (22/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/304 P/35 |
Déclaration de la République Démocratique du Congo (Note d'information) (24/09/07) - French only |
A36-WP/305 AD/22 |
Report on the Budget Working Group on Agenda Items 49 and 8 (22/09/07) |
A36-WP/306 EX/99 |
Aviation environmental design tool (AEDT) progress (Information paper) (22/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/307 EX/100 |
The potential use of alternative fuels for aviation (Information paper) (22/09/07) - English electronic version only |
A36-WP/308 EX/101 |
Demonstration and Assessment of the US/Canada environmental analysis tool suite (Information paper) (22/09/07) - English electronic version only |
A36-WP/309 EX/102 |
Workshop on the impacts of aviation on climate change (Information paper) (22/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/310 EX/103 |
Environmental design space (EDS) progress (Information paper) (22/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/311 EX/104 |
Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction (PARTNER) Center of Excellence research activities and international collaboration (22/09/07) - English electronic version only |
A36-WP/312 TE/91 |
Draft text for the General Section of the Technical Commission's Report (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/313 EX/105 |
Aviation Environmental Portfolio Management Tool (APMT) progress (Information paper) (22/09/07) - English electronic version only |
A36-WP/314 TE/92 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Items 32 and 36 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/315 TE/93 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Items 28 and 29 (24/09/07) |
A36-WP/316 TE/94 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 30 (22/09/07) |
A36-WP/316 Addendum No.1 TE/94 |
Addendum No. 1 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/317 AD/23 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Items 49 and 8 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/318 EC/39 |
Draft text for the General Section and Agenda Items 7, 8 and 39 (24/09/07) |
A36-WP/319 EC/40 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 40 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/320 P/36 |
Déclaration du Sénégal (Note d'information) (24/09/07) - French only |
A36-WP/321 TE/95 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Items 31, 33, 35 and 37 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/322 EX/106 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 19 (24/09/07) |
A36-WP/323 EX/107 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 20 (24/09/07) |
A36-WP/324 P/37 |
Report of the Executive Committee on Agenda Item 12 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/325 TE/96 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Items 34 and 38 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/326 P/38 |
Assembly resolutions to be consolidated or to be declared no longer in force (27/09/07) |
A36-WP/327 P/39 |
Final report of the Credentials Committee (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/328 P/40 |
Report of the Administrative Commission on Agenda Items 52, 56, 57, 58, 59 and 7 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/329 P/41 |
Report of the Executive Committee on Agenda Item 13 (27/09/07) |
A36-WP/330 EX/108 |
Draft text for the General section of the Executive Committee's report (24/09/07) |
A36-WP/331 P/42 |
Report text for the General Section of the Administrative Commission's report and the report on Agenda Items 50, 51, 54, 55, 60 and 61 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/332 P/43 |
Report of the Executive Committee on Agenda Item 14 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/333 AD/24 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 14 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/334 P/44 |
Report of the Administrative Commission on Agenda Item 53 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/335 P/45 |
Report of the Executive Committee on Agenda Item 15 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/336 P/46 |
Report of the Executive Committee on Agenda Item 16 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/337 P/47 |
Candidature of Namibia (Information paper) (25/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/338 EX/109 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 18 (24/09/07) |
A36-WP/339 EX/110 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 17 (24/09/07) |
A36-WP/340 P/48 |
Report of the Executive Committee for the General Section of the Executive Committee and on Agenda Item 7 (27/09/07) |
A36-WP/341 P/49 |
Report of the Legal Commission for the General Section of its Report and on Agenda Items 7, 8, 45, 46, 47 and 48 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/342 EC/41 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 41 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/343 EC/42 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 42 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/345 EX/111 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 62 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/346 EC/43 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Items 43 and 44 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/347 EX/112 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 21 (25/09/07) |
A36-WP/348 EX/113 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 24 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/349 P/50 |
Report of the Administrative Commission on Agenda Items 49 and 8 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/350 EC/44 |
Air transport policy in Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (Information paper) (26/09/07) - English only |
A36-WP/351 EX/114 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 7 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/352 EX/115 |
Draft text for the report on Agenda Item 23 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/353 P/51 |
Report of the Economic Commission on the general part of the Report and Agenda Items 7, 8, 39 and 40 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/354 P/52 |
Report of the Executive Committee on Agenda Items 19, 20 and 21 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/355 P/53 |
Report of the Executive Committee on Agenda Item 17 (27/09/07) |
A36-WP/356 P/54 |
Report of the Technical Commission on Agenda Items 7 and 8 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/357 P/55 |
Report of the Technical Commission on Agenda Items 25, 26 and 27 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/358 P/56 |
Report of the Technical Commission on Agenda Items 28 and 29 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/359 P/57 |
Report of the Technical Commission on Agenda Item 30 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/360 P/58 |
Report of the Executive Committee on Agenda Item 18 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/361 P/59 |
Report of the Technical Commission on Agenda Items 34 and 38 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/362 P/60 |
Report of the Administrative Commission on Agenda Item 14 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/363 P/61 |
Report of the Technical Commission on Agenda Item General (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/365 P/63 |
Report of the Technical Commission on Agenda Items 31, 33, 35 and 37 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/366 P/64 |
Report of the Technical Commission on Agenda Items 32 and 36 (26/09/07) |
A36-WP/366 Corrigendum No. 1 P/64 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (27/09/07) |
A36-WP/367 P/65 |
Report of the Economic Commission on Agenda Items 41, 42, 43 and 44 (27/09/07) |
A36-WP/368 P/66 |
Report of the Executive Committee on Agenda Items 23 and 24 (27/09/07) |
A36-WP/369 P/67 |
Report of the Executive Committee on Agenda Item 62 (27/09/07) |
A36-WP/371 P/68 |
Declaración del Perú ante la Plenaria (Nota de información) (21/09/07) - Spanish only |