



Session 1: Historic Perspective PDF
1. Historic Perspective
Speaker: Jane Hupe, ICAO/CAEP
Session 2: Aircraft Noise Certification  
2. History / Development
Speaker: Alain Depitre, DGCA, France
3. Annex 16, Volume I and equivalent procedures
Speaker: Jan Boettcher, EASA, EU
4. Aircraft Noise Measurement
Speaker: Alain Depitre, DGCA, France
5. Roles and Responsibilities
Speaker: Jane Hupe, ICAO/CAEP
Session 3: Aircraft Noise Re-certification  

Speaker: Alain Depitre, DGCA, France

7. Re-certification Provisions (standards and guidelines)
Speaker: Jan Boettcher, EASA, EU
8. Assessment Criteria
Speaker: Jan Boettcher, EASA, EU
9. "Modified" Aircraft
Speaker: Alain Depitre, DGCA, France
10. Worked Example of Applying Assessment Criteria
Speaker: Alain Depitre, DGCA, France
11. Industry Views
Speaker: Bob Solaimani, ICCAIA
Session 4: Documentation  
12. History
Speaker: Alain Depitre, DGCA, France
13. Annex 16, Volume 1, Attachment G
Speaker: Jan Boettcher, EASA, EU
14. Industry Views
Speaker: Jean-Baptiste Rigaudias, IATA
Session 5: ICAO/CAEP Current Activities on Noise Certification  
15. Current Activities and New Challenges
Speaker: Jan Boettcher, EASA, EU
16. Demonstration of the ICAO Noise Database
Speaker: Alain Depitre, DGCA, France


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