Guidelines for Submission of Statements to Ministerial Plenary

Given time constraints during the Ministerial Plenary and limited time allocated for statements, Member States and invited international organizations are strongly encouraged to submit a written or pre-recorded video statement by their Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and Heads of organizations prior to the Conference.


Submission of Written Statements


Written statements for the Ministerial Plenary are translated if they are submitted by the prescribed deadline, i.e. 30 August 2021. Written statements should be maximum of four pages. Should they exceed the page limit, translation service will not be provided and the Delegation will be informed accordingly. Template for written statements can be found here.


Written statements for the Ministerial Plenary should be submitted to, clearly indicating if the statement is addressing a specific Ministerial Plenary Session as per the agenda, i.e. Round Table 1 – Leading Aviation Recovery or Round Table 2 – Building Resilience and Sustainability, or covering both sessions.


Submission of Pre-Recorded Video Statements


Pre-recorded video statements are also accepted and will be made available online through ICAO TV. The deadline for the submission of a pre-recorded video statement is 30 September 2021. In order to ensure that technical arrangements are completed on time to display the video at the Conference, it will not be possible to accommodate requests to submit a pre-recorded video that are received after this date.


Delegations that wish to submit a pre-recorded video should send the video file through the ICAO Public FileDrop. Detailed instruction of how to use FileDrop can be found at the following link.


When submitting the video file, please indicate clearly in the email the name of State/organization, the name and title of the speaker, and the contact information of the focal point for the follow up on matters related to the video submitted. Delegations should also indicate if the video statement is addressing a specific Ministerial Plenary Session as per the agenda, i.e. Round Table 1 – Leading Aviation Recovery or Round Table 2 – Building Resilience and Sustainability, or covering both sessions. Video files received must adhere to the time limit of maximum 5 minutes.


For the successful and optimal display of the video on ICAO TV, the recommended file specifications are provided in the following link.


Video statements received after the deadline, exceeding the time limits or labelled in such a way that the relevant State/organization and speaker cannot be identified, will not be posted on ICAO TV.


There will be no interpretation services for the pre-recorded video statements. Therefore, all delegations submitting a pre-recorded video statement are encouraged to provide also a written text of the statement (using Template for written statements) at the same time as the submission of the pre-recorded video statements. A written text for the pre-recorded video statement will be translated if it is submitted by 30 August 2021 with a maximum length of four pages.

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