Opening Session: Setting the Scene
Ms. Jane Hupe, ICAO - Setting the Scene
Agenda Item 1: Developments in certification and deployment of aviation fuels
Dr. Jim Hileman, U.S. FAA - Fuel Approval Process & Status
Mr. Aaron Robinson, United Airlines - Challenges in SAF scale-up
Mr. Fokko Kroesen, KLM - Deployment of sustainable aviation fuels at KLM
Ms. Jannike Ludvigsson, Swedavia - Our license to operate - Sustainable aviation fuel
Agenda Item 2: State and Organization initiatives for the deployment of alternative fuel
Ms. Claire Rais-Assa, DGCA France - The challenge of Sustainable Aviation Fuels development
Mr. Cesar Velarde, Spanish State Safety Agency (AESA) - Spain and the Balanced Compromise: Towards use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels through a regulator - industry dialogue
Mr. Nate Brown, U.S. FAA - U.S. efforts for SAF deployment
Mr. Adriano Bonotto, Brazil - SAF in Brazil: overview
Dr. Alejandro Rios G., Sustainable Bioenergy Research Consortium (SBRC), UAE - Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) potential in the United Arab Emirates
Mr. Kurt Edwards, International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) - Business Aviation and Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Dr. Hassan El-Houjeiri, Saudi Arabia - Aviation Climate Policy & Lower Carbon Aviation Fuel
Mr. Alfredo Ramos, Mexico Biojet Cluster - Present and future of the Bio Jet Fuel Cluster (México)
Mr. Fred Ghatala, Canada - Canada’s Biojet Supply Chain Initiative and Domestic SAF Progress (Clean Fuel Standard)
Agenda Item 3: Financing and assistance programmes for aviation fuels
Dr. Laurel Harmon, LanzaTech - Sustainable Aviation Fuel from Ethanol
Mr. Thomas Parsons, Air BP - Sustainable Aviation Fuel Deployment
Mr. Henrik Erametsa, Neste - Financing and other aspects of SAF projects
Ms. Charlotte Hardenbol, SkyNRG - Enabling SAF uptake
Ms. Juju Zhishen Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Quantitative Policy Analysis for Sustainable Alternative Fuel Technologies
Dr. Neil Dickson, ICAO - Results of the feasibility studies on SAF: Africa and the Caribbean
Ms. Tjaša Bole-Rentel, WWF-SA - Assessing sustainable biofuel potential in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ms. Jane Hupe, ICAO - Role of SAF feasibility studies
Agenda Item 4: Developments in sustainability of aviation fuels
Mr. Tim Cesarek, Gevo - Sustainable Aviation Fuel Using Low Carbon Inputs
Dr. Norbert Schmitz, International Sutainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) - Developments in Sustainability of Aviation Fuels - The Role of SCS
Ms. Elena Schmidt, Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) - The role of the SCS in CORSIA: The RSB System
Mr. Mike Lu and Mr. Romulo Veiga, Brazil - Vision 2030 MG – Minas Gerais and The Juiz de Fora proof-of- concept
Dr. Bruno Silva, ICAO - Sustainability of CORSIA Eligible Fuels
Agenda Item 5: Current information for updating the 2050 ICAO Vision for Sustainable Aviation Fuels
Dr. Neil Dickson and Ms. Jane Hupe, ICAO - Stocktaking Results and Closing