Former ICAO Director Nancy Graham Awarded Prestigious Aviation Safety Honour

MONTRÉAL, 10 NOVEMBER 2015 – Former ICAO Air Navigation Bureau Director, Ms. Nancy Graham, was announced last week as the latest recipient of the prestigious Laura Taber Barbour Air Safety Award.


“Nancy Graham’s achievements as Director of the Air Navigation Bureau of ICAO have far reaching and permanent benefits to the entire global aviation industry, including the many thousands of workers and the millions of passengers who rely, every day of every year, on leaders like her who are dedicated to ensuring the safety of every flight,” read a portion of the statement issued by the award presenters.
During her eight-year term with ICAO, Nancy Graham consistently exhibited a passion for safety and collaboration, promoting a systems approach to aviation safety. Under her leadership new and critical revisions were realized to ICAO’s Global Plans for Safety and Air Navigation, anticipating the performance improvements needed for global aviation to safely manage the projected doubling of flight and passenger volumes by 2030.
Graham also oversaw the development of ICAO’s annual Safety and Air Navigation Reports, brought together States and industry to develop a comprehensive strategy for aviation system modernization under the ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades, and during her tenure ICAO finalized the new Annex 19 to the Chicago Convention on Safety Management.
The Laura Taber Barbour Air Safety Award recognizes notable achievement in the field of aviation safety, civil or military, in method, design, invention, study or other improvement. Since first being presented in 1956, it continues to spotlight those champions who pioneer breakthroughs in flight safety.
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