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Assistance, Capacity-building and Training on CORSIA (ACT-CORSIA) Programme

In June 2018, the ICAO Council approved the first edition of Annex 16, Volume IV. At the same time, the Council recognized the need for a coordinated global capacity building initiative under ICAO to ensure that all States are able to implement CORSIA and meet the CORSIA-related monitoring, reporting and verification requirements in Annex 16, Volume IV. To achieve this, ICAO launched its Assistance, Capacity-building and Training on CORSIA (ACT-CORSIA) Programme in July 2018 to harmonize and bring together all relevant actions, and to promote coherence to capacity building efforts for CORSIA implementation. In 2019 and 2022, the ICAO Assembly recognized the role of ACT-CORSIA and reiterated the importance of a coordinated approach for undertaking capacity-building and assistance activities (see ICAO Assembly Resolution A41-22, paragraph 21).

Since the beginning of ACT-CORSIA, ICAO has taken into account the preparedness and readiness of different States, and has endeavoured to identify the States' specific needs in order to develop appropriate capacity-building and training activities. Such activities have been designed in a flexible manner to adjust the delivery of training by offering tailored solutions, while maintaining the overall harmonized approach as per the request of the ICAO Assembly and the Council.

ACT-CORSIA encompasses a number of different capacity-building and training activities including CORSIA Buddy Partnerships between States, examples of good practices for CORSIA implementation, frequently asked questions, publications, videos and more. For a complete list of activities click here

See a summary of the ACT-CORSIA initiatives on the leaflet below.

CORSIA leaflet

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