CAEP Working Group 4 - CORSIA


CAEP's Working Group 4 deals with technical issues relating to the implementation of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), including the maintenance of the related Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained in Annex 16, Volume IV to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and related guidance contained in the Environmental Technical Manual (Doc 9501), Volume IV.

Current work:

  • Maintenance of Annex 16, Volume IV and related guidance material
  • Work on the ICAO CORSIA CO2 Estimation and Reporting Tool (CERT)
  • Development of further guidance on monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) in CORSIA
  • Development of recommendations related to the management of emissions units in CORSIA
  • Technical analysis to support deliberations on CORSIA in relevant ICAO bodies

    Main publications (Reference publications):
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