CAPSCA is funded through extra-budgetary resources provided by member States, intergovernmental organizations and other United Nations agencies. Resource mobilization is vital to overall organizational and programme effectiveness, to continue with the assistance activities to low-income States, and to increase the programme's capacity.
Consequently, donors from public and private sectors are an indispensable source of funding for CAPSCA and greatly contribute to financing the programme budget priorities, such as the coordinated preparedness and response for communicable diseases outbreaks. The funds go to regions, or specific countries or programme activities. That was the case with the Aviation Action Plan for the Ebola Outbreak in 2014.
Presently, the COVID-19 outbreak is having a significant impact on global human health and a severe economic impact on the aviation sector, resulting in flight cancellations, travel and trade restrictions as well causing further economic losses in several other sectors.
Mitigating the health and economic impacts of COVID-19 can only be achieved by adopting a multi-sectoral, multi-organizational approach. Such an approach requires multidisciplinary resources (public health and aviation experts, first responders, customs and immigration officers, security officers, airport and aircraft personnel) as well as substantial investment to support programme implementation, capacity-building initiatives, and the development of training, tools, manuals and other guidance material.
ICAO CAPSCA Strategy for COVID-19, in alignment with the global CAPSCA programme, identifies several activities which need to be implemented over a three year period to mitigate the health and economic impacts of COVID-19 outbreak. The required funds for these activities are estimated at USD 3.5 million.
If you wish to contribute to the implementation of CAPSCA COVID-19 activities, please contact us at CAPSCA Donations.