DGP/27 Working Papers

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No.Agenda Item No. TitleLanguagePresented by
110 Agenda, Terms of Reference, Work Programme the Secretary
210Report of the Dangerous Goods Panel (DGP)
Working Group Meeting
(English only)the Secretary
310Report of the Dangerous Goods Panel (DGP)
Working Group Meeting
(English only)the Secretary
42,2.2 Requirements for Dry Ice in Postal Articles D. Brennan
52,2.2 Revision to Special Provisions A88 and A99 to include Approval by the State of the Operator D. Brennan
63,3.6 Air Waybill Statement for Section II Consignments D. Brennan
72,2.3 Revisions to Recommendations on Issuance of Approvals and Exemptions D. Brennan
83,3.1Marks on Packages Tested to an External Standard to Identify Contents and Provide Traceability D. Brennan
92,2.2Provisions for Battery-Powered Equipment Capable of Generating Extreme Heat in Part 8 M. Araya
101,1.1Draft Amendments to Annex 18 to Align with the UN Recommendations the Secretary
111,1.2Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations
— Part 1
the Secretary
121,1.2Draft amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations
— Part 2
the Secretary
131,1.2Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations
— Part 3
the Secretary
141,1.2Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations
— Part 4
the Secretary
151,1.2Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations
— Part 5
the Secretary
161,1.2Draft amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations
— Part 6
the Secretary
171,1.2Draft amendments to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations
— Part 7
the Secretary
191,1.3Draft Amendments to the Supplements to the Technical Instructions to Align with the UN Recommendations the Secretary
202,2.4Draft Amendments to the Emergency Response Guidance for Aircraft Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods (Doc 9481) Agreed at DGP-WG/18 and to Align with the UN Recommendations — Part 3 the Secretary
212,2.2Draft Amendments to the Technical Instructions to Address Air Specific Safety Risks and Identified Anomalies Agreed at DGP-WG/18 and DGP-WG/19 the Secretary
223,3.3Safety Risk Assessments D. Brennan
232,2.3Proposed Packing Instruction for Large Lithium Batteries D. Brennan
242,2.3Allowance in Packing Instruction 910 for the Use of Large Packagings D. Brennan
252,2.2Revision to Exceptions from Application of the “Q” Value D. Brennan
262,2.2Revisions to Permitted Packagings in Packing Instruction 492 & Packing Instructions 870 to 872 D. Brennan
272,2.4 Emergency Response Information L. Cascardo
282,2.4Training: Terminology Harmonization L. Cascardo
292,2.3 Amendment to Attachment I to Chapter 1 of the Supplement to the Technical Instructions S. Bitossi
302,2.2 Dropping in Connection with Pest Management S. Bitossi
312,2.2 Self-Inflating Personal Safety Devices Carried by Passengers or Crew S. Bitossi
322,2.3 Amendment of Division 6.1 List within S- of the Supplement to the Technical Instructions S. Bitossi

Revision to the Definition of “Passenger Aircraft”

D. Brennan
342,2.2Provision for Dry Ice to be Loaded into a Shipper Built Unit Load Device with ID 8000 D. Brennan
352,2.2Transport of Lithium Batteries on Passenger Aircraft T. Muller
362,2.1 Packing Instruction 623 T. Muller
372,2.1,2.2Remove the Definitions of Cargo and Passenger Aircraft from Annex 18 and the Technical Instructions Schwartz Scott
382,2.2,3,3.4,10Preservation during Air Transport of Human Organs Intended for Transplantation E Gillett
392,2.2Spare Dry Batteries or Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries for Mobility Aids D. Brennan
402,2.2Subsidiary Hazard of UN 3547 (English only)Aidong Song
412,2.2A New Special Provision for ID 8000 (English only)Aidong Song
422,2.2Amendments to Provision of Information to Employees by a Shipper (English only)Aidong Song
432,2.3Amendments to Special Provision A324 (English only)Aidong Song
442,2.2Provisions for the Use of Electronic Notices to Pilot-In-Command (English only)Aidong Song
452,2.2Revision to Provisions for Battery-Powered Mobility Aids in Table 8-1 (English only)Aidong Song
462,2.2Revisions to Formulas to Calculate Criticality Safety Index of Packages Containing Fissile Material (English only)Aidong Song
471,1.2Revisions to the List of N.O.S. and Generic Proper Shipping Names (English only)Aidong Song
482,2.2Revisions to the Provisions for Portable Electronic Devices Capable of Generating Extreme Heat, Which could Cause a Fire if Activated Contained in Table 8-1 (English only)Aidong Song

For further information you may contact:

Dr. Katherine Rooney
Chief, Cargo Safety Section
E-mail: CSS@icao.int

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