The New Global Reporting Format for Runway Surface Conditions


The ICAO Global Reporting Format for runway surface conditions (GRF) mitigates the risk of runway excursions by enabling a harmonized assessment and reporting of runway surface conditions and an improved flight crew assessment of take-off and landing performance.


ICAO, in partnership with key international organisations, is providing support to Member States and industry as they progress their planning and implementation. In particular, training resources have been developed, awareness activities have taken place and additional guidance has been developed.

The applicability date for the GRF is 4 November 2021 (see State Letter 073e.pdf.), though, as we approach this date, some States and Regions have already implemented.


A complete set of ICAO SARPS and guidance is available through the respective content of:


  • Annex 14: Aerodromes, Volume I, Aerodrome Design and Operations
  • Annex 3: Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation
  • Annex 6: Operation of Aircraft (Parts 1 and 2)
  • Annex 8: Airworthiness of Aircraft
  • Annex 15: Aeronautical Information Services
  • PANS Aerodromes (Doc 9981)
  • PANS-AIM (Doc 10066)
  • PANS-ATM (Doc 4444).


In addition, supporting material is available in:


  • Circular 355: Assessment, Measurement and Reporting of Runway Surface Conditions
  • Doc 10064: Aeroplane Performance Manual




All of the above reference documents are available through the ICAO publications portal.


Awareness Symposium and Seminars

In 2019 and 2020 ICAO and its partners hosted a global GRF symposium, followed by a series of regional seminars, links to which are provided under the events link below. Due to the COVID crisis, this programme of physical events has been substituted by an on-going series of webinars, links to which are provided under webinar tab below.

Training Courses


Relevant courses have been developed with ICAO partners, under the Global Aviation Training (GAT) and TRAINAIR PLUS Programme:




GRF for Airport Operators (E-Learning)





GRF for Airport Operators (On-line or physical instructor led)







GRF for Air Navigation Service Providers (E-Learning)







GRF for Aircraft Operators and Flight Crew (E-Learning)




Implementation Checklist


A generic implementation checklist and set of milestones has been agreed. These milestones are also form the basis for implementation reporting through the ICAO Regional Offices.


ACI-World have also developed an implementation check list aimed at the airport operator:



A number of short articles have been published by ICAO and other organisations, providing additional background and insight.



Looking Beyond the Pandemic: Implementing the GRF (ICAO Uniting Aviation, October 2020)




Runway Surface Conditions: The Global Reporting Form, at (ICAO Uniting Aviation, February 2019)




The Global Reporting Format for runway surface conditions is ready: are you?

(ICAO Uniting Aviation, May 2021)




Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]


A number of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) have arisen during the webinars and other GRF events. Below is a consolidated list of such questions, which will be updated and augmented on a regular basis:


Communications Material


A GRF e-mail banner can be found and postcard:


A 'poster' version of the Runway Condition Assessment Matrix {RCAM):


Implementation Map


States are reporting their implementation status against a subset of the generic implementation milestones. The current status is presented through the map below, which is not intended to be used for operational purposes.


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