Safety Audit Results: USOAP interactive viewer

Please select a country from the list below the viewer to see its audit ‘Effective Implementation’ (EI) score presented for the various categories covered under ICAO’s Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP). Multiple countries may be selected at once to compare their respective performance, and users may also compare a country or countries against the current global average in each category.


Please note: A significant safety concern (SSC) does not necessarily indicate a particular safety deficiency in the air navigation service providers, airlines (air operators), aircraft or aerodrome; but, rather, indicates that the State is not providing sufficient safety oversight to ensure the effective implementation of applicable ICAO Standards. Full technical details of the ICAO findings have been made available to the State to guide rectification, as well as to all ICAO Member States to facilitate any actions that they may consider necessary to ensure safety. The State has undertaken to regularly report progress on this matter to ICAO. Read more.


Developers may also wish to consider accessing the EI data via the iSTARS API Data Service.


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