PBN Implementation Services

​PBN Implementation Services

The global aviation community is facing significant infrastructure capacity, fuel efficiency and airport access challenges driven by the constantly growing demand for air transportation services. The conventional  ground-based systems such as VOR, NDB and ILS do not permit the flexibility of point-to-point operations available with PBN to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

ICAO has identified PBN implementation as the major enabler to address these challenges.

PBN is helping the global aviation community improve safety,  reduce congestion, conserve fuel, protect the environment, and maintain reliable, all-weather operations, even at the most challenging airports.

For more information on how ICAO can assist you with PBN implementation, please fill out the form below and press submit.  To discuss a specific issue with our expert team, please email us at pbn@icao.int 
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Products and Services

Performance-based Navigation (PBN) is the air transport community’s highest air navigation implementation priority, having now clearly demonstrated the benefits of evolving from sensor-based to performance-based in terms of safety, optimized airspace, reduced fuel burn and emissions (noise and greenhouse gas), more efficient routes, and the ability to maintain reliable all-weather operations – even at the most challenging airports.

Having now completed a very successful roll-out of free PBN information and training sessions, ICAO is now pleased to offer a complementary suite of PBN products and services that covers the full range of near- and medium-term implementation needs of States and aviation stakeholders. ICAO considers the provision of these PBN product and service offerings to be essential in light of the forecast doubling of international air transport traffic by 2030.


Since ICAO first began raising PBN awareness, it has learned a great deal about what States and stakeholders need in terms of PBN implementation assistance. ICAO has therefore structured the new PBN products and services into six specific categories:

PBN Assessments (PBN-Start)
A two-week intensive collaboration that analyzes and evaluates the environmental, economic and airspace capacity issues affecting local/regional strategic PBN planning and implementation. PBN-Start culminates in the delivery to customers of an achievable strategic plan aligned with local/regional PBN goals.
PBN Business Case
In order to assist States with the PBN implementation decision making process, ICAO now offers a new service that explains the terminology, details the process and methodology,  and assists the State with developing a sound business case
PBN Training
PBN represents a paradigm shift with respect to everything from airspace and procedure design to airline and airport operations. In light of the steep learning curve associated with its benefits, ICAO will be offering a list of courses covering everything from PBN overview to operational approvals.
Online + Classroom
PBN Workshops and Symposiums
Local PBN events such as workshops or symposiums offer a unique opportunity to bring divergent planning, design and operational stakeholders together to share experiences and best practices and ensure that your State drives PBN implementation on a coordinated basis.
PBN Implementation Assistance
Implementation needs will vary from State to State and ICAO recognizes this. It also recognizes that this assistance is the most important aspect of realizing your PBN planning and ultimately its wide-ranging benefits. Accordingly ICAO will provide a full set of tools based on the master PBN Implementation Plan and tailored to the specific needs of your State or Region.
PBN Funding Coordination
ICAO will be pleased to help coordinate funding assistance for State PBN needs with applicable international bodies such as the World bank, committed industry partners and financial institutions

ICAO’s ultimate goal in making these new PBN products and services available to the global aviation community is to assist States and stakeholders with implementing PBN. Our objective is to provide a fully-harmonized set of global PBN applications that will help States to optimize air navigation capacity and efficiency while at the same time, improving flight safety.


For more information and fees, please contact us at pbn@icao.int.​​​​​​​​

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