ICAO EUR/NAT coordinates volcanic ash exercise in Kamchatka: Moscow (Russian Federation), 16 January 2013 Spanning multiple time zones, the aviation community came together to exercise a volcanic eruption in Kamchatka, Russian Federation from 2100 UTC on 15 January 2013 to 060 UTC on 16 January 2013 under the guise of ICAO. The objectives of the exercise were to test information flow of volcanic ash products which involved the volcano observatory in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russian Federation (called KVERT), Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) Tokyo, Meteorological Watch Offices, and International NOTAM Offices. The information provided allowed coordination by area control centres, national air traffic management centres, airlines and operators to review changes to simulated flight plans and coordinate adjusted air routes to avoid volcanic ash.