Seventh Meeting of the MIDANPIRG MET Sub-Group (MET SG/7)

(Cairo, Egypt 14-16 November 2017)
​Invitation Letter
List of Participants​
Final ​Report
​WP # ​Agenda Item # ​WP Title   ​
1​ 1 Provisional Agenda
22Status of MIDANPIRG/16 Conclusions and Decisions relevant to the MET Field​
3​​4Results of SIGMET and Special Air-Report Tests in the MID Region
4​​4OPMET Data Exchange - status on implementation of ROC
5​​4Guidelines for the implementation of OPMET Data Exchange using IWXXM
6​​4Update to the BMG ToRs
7​​4Review and Update of the MID Air Navigation Strategy Parts Relate to MET
8​​4Status of Quality Management System Implementation in MID Region
9​​4Review of the MID electronic Air Navigation Plan (MID eANP) MET Part
10​​5MET Deficiencies in the MID Region
11​​6Future Work Programme
124 Summary of Recent and Forthcoming Developments to the WAFS
​13​​4Summary of Recent and Forthcoming Developments to the SADIS
​IP #Agenda Item #IP Title​
1 List of Working and Information Papers
2Order of Business and Work Programme
​​33Outcome of the MET Panel and its Working Group
​PPT #PPT Title​
​1Possible Upcoming WAFS developments​​
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