WP/1 |
Provisionnal Agenda |
WP/2 |
Terms of Reference |
WP/3 |
Review of the outcome of APIRG EO |
Appendix: APIRG Structural Transformations |
WP/4 |
Appendix: List of Deficiencies in the Air Navigation Field |
WP/5 |
Appendix A: AMS Deficiencies |
Appendix B: CPDLC |
WP/5 Bis |
Implementation od Data Link (IATA) |
WP/6 |
Appendix: ARNS Deficiencies |
WP/7A |
AFI-GNSS-Strategy |
WP/7B |
GNSS Constellation and Augmentation |
WP/7C |
Outcome of the AFI ath PBN-GNSS Meeting |
WP/8 |
Status of implementation of the current AFI Aeronautical Surveillance Plan |
Appendix A: AFI Surveillance Strategy Plan |
Appendix B: Current Surveillance |
WP/9A |
Report on IRTF |
WP/10 |
Aeroanautical spectrum |
WP/11 |
Remaining and new task |
WP/13 |
AFI Performances objectives |
WP/14A |
Technology Roadmaps |
WP/15 |
Identification of Regional Projects |
WP/16 |
Review of the new ANP structure |
Appendix: AFI ANS Implementation Action Plan |
IP/3 |
Tentative Work Programme |