Workshop eANP V.I-II & AANDD

Workshop for English speaking States on the Volumes I and II of the Air Navigation Plan and the management of the Air Navigation Deficiencies, Dakar, Senegal

22 to 26 April 2024 (English)


Atelier pour les Etats francophones sur les Volumes I et II du Plan de Navigation Aérienne et la gestion des Carences de la Navigation Aérienne, Dakar, Sébégal

29 avril au 03 mai 2024 (Français)


Invitation  letter for the Workshop

​Session 1


​Session 2

​2.1. Introduction 

2.​2. GANP Presentation

​2.3. BBB - Update

2.​4. ASBU Elements

​2.5. Regional ANP 

​2.6. Procedure for amendment ANP

​Session 3

​3.1 AFI eANP Volume I

​3.2 AFI eANP Volume II

​3.3 Scope of amendment and sample of a PfA

​3.3-A Sample PfA  AFI eANP, Volume II Parts AOP-MET

​3.3-B Template for a PfA

​Session 4

​4.1 Air Navigation Deficiencies Management process

​4.2 Generals on the Minimum Reporting Areas

​4.2-A List of Minimum Reporting Areas

​4.3 Air Navigation Deficiencies Database

​4.3-A AANDD User manual

​4.4 Exercises

​4.5 Exercises - Deficiencies identified

​4.6 Corrective action plans developed

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