Regional Aviation Safety Groups (RASGs)
RASGs serve as a regional cooperative forum integrating global, regional, sub-regional, national and industry efforts in continuing to enhance aviation safety worldwide. RASGs develop and implement work programmes that support a regional performance framework for the management of safety on the basis of the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP). RASGs build on the work already done by States, existing sub-regional organizations such as the Cooperative Development of Operational Safety and Continuing Airworthiness Programmes (COSCAPs) and Regional Safety Oversight Organizations (RSOOs) and support the establishment and operation of a performance-based safety system for the region. The following RASGs have been established: Regional Aviation Safety Group – Europe (RASG-EUR); Regional Aviation Safety Group – Asia Pacific (RASG-APAC); Regional Aviation Safety Group – Africa (RASG-AFI); Regional Aviation Safety Group – Middle East (RASG-MID) and the Regional Aviation Safety Group – Pan America (RASG-PA). The reports of RASG meetings are reviewed by the Commission on a regular basis and by the Council as deemed necessary.
The Generic ToRs of RASGs (in all languages):
Planning and Implementation Regional Groups (PIRGs):
The regional planning process is the principal engine of ICAO’s planning and implementation work. It is here that the top-down approach, comprising global guidance and regional harmonization measures, converges with the bottom-up approach constituted by States and aircraft operators and their proposals for implementation options. The development of regional plans for air navigation systems including CNS/ATM systems is undertaken by ICAO’s PIRGs with the assistance of ICAO’s Regional Offices, located in Bangkok, Cairo, Dakar, Lima, Mexico, Nairobi and Paris, and in coordination with ICAO Headquarters staff. The six PIRGs are: Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APANPIRG), Africa-Indian Ocean Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG), European Air Navigation Planning Group (EANPG), Caribbean/South American Planning and Implementation Regional Group (GREPECAS), Middle East Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group (MIDANPIRG), and North Atlantic Systems Planning Group (NATSPG).
The Generic ToRs of PIRGs (in all languages):
Below you will find a list of the RASGs and PIRGs