
Welcome to the ICAO South American Regional Office – SAM Office!

Established in Lima, Peru, in November 1948, the SAM Office is accredited to all South American States.The Region covers the area between Panama and the Antarctic region, including a significant part of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, which represent more than 16% of the global airspace.

As one of the seven ICAO Regional Offices around the world, the SAM Office promotes a safe, secure, efficient, environmentally sustainable and economically viable aviation, aiming for aviation to be a fundamental instrument for the social and economic development of countries of the Region.

To achieve the ICAO vision of the sustainable development of the global civil aviation system, the SAM Office works together with the Member States, in addition to collaborating with various entities and associations, in the development and implementation of the Regional civil aviation Plans, aligned with the Global Plans established by ICAO. The leadership and commitment of the SAM State Authorities towards such sustainable development are reflected in the IWAF/4 Declaration to Promote Connectivity through the Development and Sustainability of Air Transport in the Pan-American Region and the Declaration for the Transformation of the Civil Aviation of South America.

The SAM Office is also responsible for promoting compliance with the ICAO international standards and recommended practices, established by the Convention on International Civil Aviation and related documents, through assistance activities, capacity building, awareness sessions and coordination meetings, for all levels of local authorities and industry. Likewise, the SAM Office acts as the Secretariat of regional and interregional groups, in collaboration with other ICAO Regional Offices, to achieve the strategic objectives established by the Organization.

The SAM Office also manages important regional cooperation projects, including the Regional Cooperation System for Safety Oversight (SRVSOP) and the Digital Communications Network for South America (REDDIG)

For more information please contact: icaosam@icao.int

Upcoming Regional Meetings

. South Atlantic ATS improvement group - SAT SOG/05 and SAT IMG/05 meetings | Lima, Perú | 2025/04/07 - 2025/04/11
. ICAO USOAP-CMA Workshop for South America | Lima, Perú | 2025/04/09 - 2025/04/11
. RLA99901 AIR 3.2 - SMS implementation course for industry | TBD | 2025/04/21 - 2025/04/25
. RLA99901 - AIR 3.1 - LAR 145/43 course for industry | Lima, Perú | 2025/04/21 - 2025/04/25

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