480x371 (2) 1.pngThe ICAO Council, at the third meeting of its 232nd Session on 10 June 2024 approved the Second Edition of the Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP) (Doc 10118).

This Second Edition of the GASeP has been developed as a strategic document to guide States, industry, and ICAO in their efforts to enhance aviation security. The Plan was updated to ensure it continues to be fit for purpose, and an invaluable framework for all stakeholders in advancing aviation security while supporting efforts to raise the profile of aviation security at the political level.

Aspirational Goal

​The Plan reaffirms the Aspirational Goal to achieve and sustain a strong global aviation security system that is underpinned by full and effective implementation of ICAO aviation security Standards in all Member States. 

​Global Priority Areas

In pursuit of the Aspirational Goal, the GASeP highlights the following six Global Priority Areas on which States, industry, and other stakeholders may focus their efforts, and which are of equal importance.



Sharing of Experiences

​The GASeP calls for a strong expression of political will from States and industry to continue collaborating through ICAO, and to deliver outcomes at the national, regional and global levels to ensure the progressive improvement of aviation security. States and industry are highly encouraged to share experiences annually, including successes, challenges and lessons learned, with a view to accelerating the achievement of the GASeP aspirational goal.


2024-06-25_20-59-01.jpgObtain a copy of the Global Aviation Security Plan

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