| SP/01 | AMHS: Do we need the system? | sp01 |
 | SP/02 | CAR/SAM Regional AMHS Transition Plan | sp02 |
 | SP/03 | ATNICG Activities | sp03 |
 | SP/04 | FAA Process for Interoperability Test | sp04 |
 | SP/05 | ASIA/PAC ATN Implementation Strategy | sp05 |
 | SP/06 | Certification & Validation --ASIA/PAC the Guidance Document for AMHS Conformance Testing | sp06 |
 | SP/07 | Singapore ATN/AMHS Implementation Status | sp07 |
 | SP/08 | ICAO Framework | sp08 |
 | SP/09 | Implementation of ATN and AMHS Service between Hong Kong and Macao, China (Revised 27/01/2010) | sp09 |
 | SP/10 | AMC Activities | sp10 |
 | SP/11 | ATN Services Enhancement (Revised 27/01/2010) | sp11 |
 | SP/12 | | sp12 |
 | SP/13 | AMHS Implementation Plan and Status | sp13 |
 | SP/14 | AMHS Implementation Coordination | sp14 |
 | SP/15 | 7th Meeting of Working Group of ATNICG and Workshop | sp15 |
 | SP/16 | Thailand AMHS Implementation Status | sp16 |
 | SP/17 | AMHS COMM Center Operational Procedures | sp17 |
 | SP/18 | AMHS Security Task Status | sp18 |
 | SP/19 | AMHS Performance Assessment ATNICG-WG7/WP7 and WP8 | sp19 |
 | SP/20 | Air Traffic Message Handling System (AMHS) Plan | sp20 |
 | SP/21 | USA/FAA AMHS Implementation Status | sp21 |
 | SP/22 | AHMS --Transition in the Asia/Pacific Region | sp22 |
 | SP/23 | Avitech Presentation to ICAO | sp23 |
 | SP/24 | Maximizing the Value of AMHS/ATN | sp24 |
 | SP/25 | System Wide Information Management (SWIM) | sp25 |
 | SP/26 | Nepal AMHS Implementation Status Report | sp26 |
 | SP/27 | Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) Network Strategy | sp27 |