16th June 2021, 1200 UTC (1500 hours Nairobi time / 0800 hours Montreal time)


The aim of the workshop is to assist Member States in understanding and implementing the VDS-NC solution. 

The ICAO VDS technology will allow Member States to successfully implement a new interoperable format for the VDS, as applied to health proofs, which is developed with the following Key Principles: Globally Interoperable, Human Readable, Offline Verifiable, Leveraging the eMRTD Trust Model and Flexible. More information and guidance on the implementation will be provided during the webinar.



Officials/experts from the following organizations are invited to register for the webinars:- Immigration, Customs, Border Control, Civil Aviation Authority, Airport Authority/Operators, Aircraft operators, Public Health, International and Regional Organizations.



        Christiane Dermarkar
       ​Christopher Hornek


    • Christiane Dermarkar

Mrs DerMarkar joined ICAO 19 years ago and she has been recently appointed as the ICAO TRIP Technical Officer in the Facilitation Section  and she will be in charge to lead and oversees the work to be developed and implemented in relation to the ICAO TRIP Strategy such as coordinating and guiding the work relating to the ICAO TRIP elements, i.e. evidence of identity, MRTDs, document issuance and control, inspection systems and tools and interoperable applications..


For the last 11 years, she has been in charge with the implementation and operation of the ICAO PKD. While her main role was to manage the ICAO Public Key Directory and being the Secretary of the PKD Board, she was involved in the areas of  the Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD) specifications and different elements of the ICAO TRIP Strategy.


Before her involvement with the PKD,  Mrs. DerMarkar assumed different roles and positions with increasing responsibility within ICAO, notably within the Joint Financing Section and the Finance Branch.


Mrs. DerMarkar is a Certified Professional Accountant, speaking four languages.

    • Christopher Hornek

Christopher Hornek is a consultant for the ICAO Facilitation Section, where he is a Passenger Data Exchange Expert and Project Manager for compliance with ICAO Doc 9303. One of his main tasks is to provide expertise regarding the implementation of Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data, including in cooperation with the UN Countering Terrorist Travel Programme. Previously he worked for the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Facilitation Section and was the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Travel Document Security programme manager.

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