ICAO EUR NAT Technical Assistance Programme mission to Azerbaijan – 7 to 9 March 2018

​The ICAO EUR/NAT is implementing a regional Technical Assistance Programme (EUR/NAT TAP) under the No Country Left Behind (NCLB) global initiative. Another successful technical assistance mission was conducted to Azerbaijan (7-9 March 2018) within the framework of the signed ICAO EUR/NAT tailored plan of actions and Technical Assistance project AZE 16001. ICAO experts were supported in the mission by an  expert kindly released by Civil Aviation Authority of Israel. Israel recently  joined the network of donor  States and Organizations supporting  the regional  capacity building activities, within the framework of our EUR/NAT Technical Assistance Programme, complementing the assistance already provided by Turkey, France, Austria, Portugal, Ukraine, the United States, EASA, EUROCOTROL, IATA, IFALPA, ACI, CANSO.



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