ICAO-IATA joint webinar on prevention of Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT), 15 March 2023

ICAO, in collaboration with IATA, conducted a webinar on 15 March 2023 on recent developments and recommendations in the area of prevention of Controlled Flight Into Terrain accidents.


The webinar was triggered by the outcomes of the fourth meeting of the European Aviation System Planning Group and publication of the updated EASPG Safety Advisory 06: https://www.icao.int/EURNAT/EUR%20and%20NAT%20Documents/EUR%20Documents/EASPG_RASGEUR%20Safety%20Advisories/EASPG%20Safety%20Advisory%2006%20(ESA-06).pdf.


The international experts delivered presentations and answered questions on the following topics:

  • ICAO-related provisions,
  • pilot response to the enhanced ground proximity warning systems (EGPWS), 
  • terrain / EGPWS database and software upgrade,
  • EGPWS and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Safety Risk Assessment,
  • GNSS interference/outage.


IATA also presented its CFIT Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP).


The webinar was attended by 200 participants from the Civil Aviation Authorities and Industry. It was agreed to conduct similar webinars on the other CFIT prevention topics (for example, an incorrect barometric altimeter setting).


Materials of the webinar are available via the link: https://www.icao.int/EURNAT/Pages/Other-Meetings.aspx?RootFolder=%2FEURNAT%2FOther%20Meetings%20Seminars%20and%20Workshops%2FICAO%20%2DIATA%20joint%20webinar%20on%20prevention%20of%20Controlled%20Flight%20into%20Terrain%20%28CFIT%29&FolderCTID=0x012000DAF95319EADD9946B510C5D7B595637D00970D34309E30C94682E395DA86E79AD1&View=%7BA016246C%2D36E2%2D4CE7%2DA6BC%2D04EF727A9F49%7D

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