38 representatives, from 9 States, 3 International and Regional Organizations and 2 Aviation related Industries, gathered at the ICAO EUR/NAT Office, in Paris, France from 7 to 8 February 2023, to discuss the NAT 2030 Vision.
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Participants discussed and updated the NAT Vision, goals, objectives and areas of potential improvement, developed in 2019. The Workshop received updates on the NAT Region's safety performance, NAT New Entrants Readiness Project Team, highlights from the NAT OPS Forum 2022, ICAO work on cybersecurity, environmental priorities as well as the Global Air Navigation Plan. Participants took into account feedback from airspace users and ideas for a systemic approach to the Vision's goals and objectives from Portugal and the United States.
In its conclusions, the Workshop proposed to consider the NAT Vision as a rolling plan, with reviews to be conducted every 3 to 5 years. It was also determined that a NAT SPG Project Team should be established to examine the metrics for reporting progress of the Vision goals and objectives. It was also highlighted that more information sharing was required to enhance airspace users' awareness of the current NAT operational capabilities.
The outcomes of the Workshop will be presented for consideration and approval by the North Atlantic Systems Planning Group to be held in June 2023.