31st Meeting of the North Atlantic Safety Oversight Group (NAT SOG/31), Ennis, Ireland - 3 to 6 December 2024

The thirty-first meeting of the North Atlantic Safety Oversight Group (NAT SOG/31), hosted by AirNav Ireland, took place in Ennis, Ireland, from 3 to 6 December 2024.

Chaired by Ms. Jennifer Kileo (United States), the meeting was supported by ICAO's European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Regional Office, represented by Secretary Mr. Bryan DeCouto, with assistance from Ms. Leyla Suleymanova.

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The meeting addressed several key topics related to safety oversight, including review of the outcomes from the 14th Air Navigation Conference, and reviewed reports from the NAT IMG/65, NAT CMA, NAT Scrutiny Group and NAT SOG Project Teams. The meeting also addressed GNSS interference reporting and monitoring, the implementation of Obstacle Clearance Removal (OCR), and received an update on safety oversight activities conducted by several NAT States.

Representatives from Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States and the North Atlantic Central Monitoring Agency (NAT CMA) participated in the meeting.

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