Fifth Meeting of the MIDANPIRG Steering Group

MSG/5 Meeting

 (Cairo, Egypt, 18 - 20 April 2016)

​Invitation Letter       
​List of Participants
​WP # ​Agenda Item # ​WP Title  ​
1​ 1 Provisional Agenda
​2 2​​ Review of MIDANPIRG/15 Report by the ANC​
​3 2​ ​Review of MIDANPIRG/15 and MSG/4 Follow-up Action Plans
​4 ​3 ​Fifth Edition of Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 8750)
5​ ​3 First Edition of PANS-Aerodrome (Doc 9981)
​6 4​ ​RASG-MID activities and coordination between MIDANPIRG and RASG-MID
​7 ​5 ​MID Region Aviation Statistics and Forecasts
8​ ​5 ​MID Region Air Navigation Strategy
9​ ​5 ​MID eANP
10​ ​5 ​AOP Planning matters
​11 ​5 ​ATM Planning matters
​12 ​5 ​SAR Planning matters
​13 ​5 ​PBN Planning matters
​14 ​5 ​CNS Planning matters
​15 ​5 ​AIM Planning matters
16​​ 8​ ​Future Work Programme
​17 ​5 ​MET Planning matters
18​ 6​ ​Review of Air Navigation Deficiencies
​21 ​7 ​Review and update of MIDANPIRG Members/Alternates/Advisers and Subsidiary bodies' focal points
22​ ​7 ​MIDANPIRG Procedural Handbook
​IP #​ Agenda Item #​ IP Title
1​ ​List of Working and Information Papers
2 Daily Order of Business​
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