Third Meeting of the MID Safety Support Team (MID-SST/3)


(Abu Dhabi, UAE, 10 – 13 October 2016)
​Invitation Letter
List of Participants
​Final Report
Working Papers (WPs)
​WP #​Agenda Item #​WP Title  ​
​11Provisional Agenda
2​​​2​Update on the Implementation of the MID-SST Safety Enhancement Initiatives (SEIS)
32MID Region Safety Targets and ​Revised MID Region Safety Strategy
​42​​​SMS implementation at MID International Aerodromes​​​​​​​​
​5​2Strategy for the establishment of a Middle East RAIO
​6​2English Language Proficiency​
​7​2​CANSO initiative for SMS implementation for ATM in the MID Region
8​5​​ Future Work Programme
9​6MID-SST Focal Points​
​10​6​CANSO’s Safety Activities & Standard of Excellence in Air Navigation Services – Safety (SEANS-Safety)​​​​​​​​
​Information Papers (IPs)
​​IP#Agenda Item #​IP Title​
​1List of WPs/IPs​​​​​​​
​2Work Programme/Daily Order of Business​​​​​​​​
​32​​Lithium ​Battery Workshop
​​Presentations (PPTs)​​​​
​​PPT#​PPT Title​​
​1Status of Safety Indicators and Targets
​2SMS in Annex 13 Investigations
3Development of Regional Cooperation in AIG
​4Master Family Assistance September 2016
​5Update on the ICAO USOAP-CMA
​6USOAP-CMA Regional Status
7Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority (ICAA)​​
​9Kuwait USOAP CMA 2016 ​​
12MID NCLB Strategy-Plan-without States brief​​​​
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