First ICAO Global Air Cargo Summit

First ICAO Global Air Cargo Summit

9 - 11 April 2025
Antalya , TÜRKIYE
Kremlin Palace Hotel, Güzeloba, Tesisler Street No:440/1,07110 Aksu/Antalya
Registration Open

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Advancing the Sustainable Growth of Air Cargo

Air cargo serves as a trade facilitator, increasing the global reach of enterprises, enabling them to get products to the market in a more convenient and faster way. It allows enterprises to be more responsive to customer needs while also improving connectivity between buyers and sellers, including just-in-time inventory management and build-to-order production.

Globally, air freight constitutes 35 per cent of world trade by value despite accounting for less than one per cent by volume. Air cargo is highly diverse in its physical characteristics and value. It may originate from, and be delivered to, almost anywhere in the world, most commonly as goods being sent from a seller to a buyer or from a consignor to a consignee. This is why e-commerce cannot flourish without air cargo services.

Accelerated advancement of aircraft technology, rapid growth of electronic transactions, and reshuffling in the logistics services and its complementarity with other means of transport (intermodal) in the supply chain are increasingly influencing air cargo businesses and the way enterprises interact among themselves, and with consumers and governments.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, air cargo played a vital role in the transport of humanitarian and medical goods, including personal protective equipment and vaccines, while still meeting demand for everyday consumer needs. This is due to aviation's speed and reliability, giving it an advantage over other modes of transport in "same-day" and "next-day" delivery services and transportation of urgent or time-sensitive goods.

In order to continue to optimize the numerous benefits of air cargo services and to assure the sustainable growth of this unique sector, concerted efforts must be made to improve its operating environment by removing operational and regulatory constraints without compromising safety and security. In this regard, it would be necessary to establish a more liberal and flexible market access for air cargo operations and:

  • put in place quality infrastructure commensurate with the current and future air cargo development;
  • encourage improved and integrated supply chains under a liberalized marketplace;
  • streamline security and safety measures to improve efficiency;
  • foster the use of technology and innovation to enhance cargo processing speed, accuracy and safety;
  • optimize the use of Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) data for risk and aviation security purposes;
  • intensify the use of unmanned aircraft systems to perform tasks of cargo deliveries; and
  • encourage the ratification of the legal framework for global cargo operations, among others.

The First ICAO Global Air Cargo Summit will provide a unique forum and opportunity for a collaborative approach to address these issues and provide a pragmatic roadmap to improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the air cargo operating environment. Having a collaborative and harmonized approach to ensure safety, security, facilitation, economic regulation of air cargo services and resolving any operational challenges and vulnerability in these domains, will define a practical, efficient and viable future for air cargo operations.  

The Summit will bring together stakeholders of air cargo services at various levels, including regulators, airlines, freight forwarders, airport operators, academia, and other strategic partners from relevant United Nations agencies.

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Partners, Sponsors, and Exhibitors

Air Mark
Air Act
Hans informatic
Kale Logistics
Aviation Turkey
Kargo Harber