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Day 1 - Tuesday, 17 April 2012
  1. Mr. Mauricio Siciliano
    MRTD Officer, ICAO MRTD Programme
  2. Mr. Gary McDonald
    Former Director General, Legislation and International Relations, Passport Canada, Former NTWG Chair
  3. Mr. Gary McDonald
    Former Director General, Legislation and International Relations, Passport Canada, Former NTWG Chair
  4. Mr. Tom Kinneging
    Senior Expert Standardization, Morpho, Convenor of ISO/IECJTC1 SC17 WG3
  5. Mr. Barry Kefauver
  6. Mr. Mauricio Siciliano
    MRTD Officer, ICAO MRTD Programme
Day 2 - Wednesday, 18 April 2012 
  1. Mr. Rodrigo Duarte Guimaraes
    Federal Police Commissioner, Chief of the Passport Division at the Federal Police, Brazil
  2. Mr. Eduardo de Mattos Hosannah
    General - Coordinator for Consular Planning and Integration, Ministry of External Relations, Brazil
  3. Mr. Carlos Roberto de Oliveira
    Director Vice-President of Technology, Casa da Moeda do Brasil
  4. Mr. Jean-Pierre Lamarche
    Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives, Passport Canada
  5. Mr. Carlos Gómez
    R&D Project Engineer, Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre Real Casa de la Moneda, Spain
  6. Ms. Isabel Baltazar
    Senior Inspector, Immigration and Border Service, Portugal
  7. Mr. Gordon Duguid
    OAS/CICTE Secretary
  8. Ms. Mia Harbitz
    Senior Specialist, of Inter-American Development Bank
  9. Mr. Tom Kinneging
    Senior Expert Standardization, Morpho, Convenor of ISO/IECJTC1 SC17 WG3
  10. Dr. Raymond Wong
    Adjunct Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Advisor, Shenzhen Special ID Research and Production Centre, Public Security Bureau,Shenzhen, China
Day 3 - Thursday, 19 April 2012
  1. Mr. R. Rajeshkumar
    Netrust Pty., Ltd., Singapore, PKD Operator
  2. Ms. Christiane DerMarkar
    ICAO, PKD Board Secretary
  3. Ms. Sharon Boeyen
    Principal, Advanced Security - Entrust, Inc.
  4. Mr. André Zaca Furquim
    Federal Policy Commissioner, General-Coordination of Immigration Police, Brazil
  5. Mr. Werner Ovalle
    Coordinator of the Central American Border Program (SEFRO), SICA
  6. Mr. Alexander Rayner
    Special Advisor, Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO), Thailand
  7. Mr. Erik Slavenas
    Program Officer, ICAO MRTD Programme




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