ICAO has produced Security Culture 'Customizable Resources' in each of the ICAO languages to support organizations in promoting a strong and effective security culture.
The resources cover the following security culture components: Positive Work Environment; Training; Leadership; Understanding the Threat; Vigilance; Reporting Systems; Incident Response; Information Security; and Measures of Effectiveness.
The resources can be disseminated across a range of internal channels, including: back-office display posters, staff wallet cards, manager checklists, induction briefings, intranet blogs, CEO e-mail templates and PowerPoint briefing packs. The resources highlight the importance of good security and encourage positive security behaviours and vigilance amongst staff.
A selection of the resources (in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint formats) can be edited, allowing local contact details to be inserted, i.e. an organization's name, logo and contact details for local aviation security managers.
Some of the resources have two PDF versions. One version contains "3mm bleed/print marks", the other version is without such markings. If printing the resources in-house using a standard printer, the PDF file with no print marks is recommended. If printing the resources professionally (particularly the posters, wallet cards, flyer, etc.), then the PDF file with bleed and print marks is recommended to achieve a quality finish.
Printing sizes for the documents will vary. For example, the recommended size of the display posters is A2 (420 mm x 594 mm), whilst the recommended size of the staff wallet cards is a standard credit card size (85.6 mm x 54.0 mm).

The following resources are available: