

Fifth Aviation Safety Symposium of the Africa-Indian Ocean (AFI) Region


​​16 July 2018, Niamey, Niger


​Draft Agenda and Work Programme​


​SESSION 0Introduction to the Safety Symposium: Global & Regional Perspectives
The Global Perspective on GASP/GANP/GASOS – Mr. Denis Guindon, Deputy Director, MO/ANB, ICAO HQ
​Overview of the Implementation of the AFI Plan Mr. Halidou Moussa, Chairman, AFI Plan Steering Committee

Presentation of the Fourth Edition of the RASG-AFI Annual Safety Report - Mr. Levers Mabaso, Chairman, RASG-AFI

​SESSION 1​​Aviation Safety in the AFI Region - Challenges and Opportunities at the Regional Level ​
​Training and Human Resources Development issues in Africa – Mr. Meshesha Belayneh, Chief, Global Aviation Training (GAT), ICAO HQ
​Harmonization of aviation training in Africa – Mme Margareth Moyo, Secretary General, Association of African Aviation Training Organizations (AATO)
​Delegation of safety oversight functions to RSOOs - CASSOA
​Separation of functions between Regulators and ANSPs – Mr. Magueye Marame Ndao, Director General, ANACIM, Senegal
​Evolution of the African Flight Procedures Programme (AFPP) – Mr. Prosper Zoo ’Minto’o, Deputy Regional Director, ICAO/WACAF Office
​SESSION 2Collaborative Implementation Programme (CIP) – Successes & Challenges of Partner Initiatives ​ ​
​Collaboration of Partners in the Framework of AFI Plan- Mr. Prosper Zo'o Minto'o, Deputy Regional Director, ICAO WACAF 
​United States FAA Technical Assistance – Mr. Grady Stone, Senior Representative in Africa
​IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) – Mr. Blessing Kavai, Assistant Director Africa & Indian Ocean, Safety & Flight Operations
​Implementation of the AFI Cooperative Inspectorate Scheme (AFI-CIS) – Mr. Papa Atoumane Fall, Acting Secretary General, AFCAC
​SESSION 3Implementation of the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP)/Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) through the Revised Abuja Safety targets in the AFI Region ​ ​
​Implementation of the Revised AFI Safety and ANS Targets, Approach and Strategy – Mr. Papa Atoumane Fall, Acting Secretary General, AFCAC
​Outcome of the ICAO Regional Safety Management Symposium (Kigali, May 2018) - Mr. Milton Tumusiime, Regional Officer, Flight Safety, ICAO/ESAF Office
​State Safety Programme (SSP) Implementation from a State’s perspective – Director General, Civil Aviation Authority, Rwanda
​Safety Management System (SMS) Implementation from an Industry perspective – Mr. Louis Bakienon, Director of Operations, ASECNA
​ANSP Peer Review Mechanism by CANSO
​SESSION 4​RASG-AFI Safety Enhancement Initiatives and Contributions from Partners ​ ​
​Status of Implementation of AFI Plan Projects - Mr. Prosper Zoo ’Minto’o, Deputy Regional Director, ICAO/WACAF Office
​Industry Support to Safety Initiatives in Africa – Mr. Maury Tall Seck, Director of Aviation Safety for Africa, AIRBUS
Peer Review Programme of Air Navigation Service Providers & Collaborative Decision Making - Ms. Boni Dibate, Director CANSO Africa
​SESSION 5​Symposium Outcomes and Way Forward ​ ​
​Preliminary outcomes and initiatives of Sessions 1, 2, 3 and 4 – Session Moderators
​Final outcomes of the Symposium, agreement on the way forward with the CIP and engagement in the implementation of the Revised AFI Safety and ANS targets – Mr. Halidou Moussa, Representative of Niger, ASECNA Delegation/Chairman of AFI Plan Steering Committee.



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