Annual Report of the ICAO Council: 2015
All Strategic Objectives: No Country Left Behind

No Country Left Behind

ICAO Programme for Aviation Volunteers

ICAO World Aviation Forum



No Country Left Behind


At the initiative of the Council, ICAO launched the No Country Left Behind (NCLB) campaign to assist States to effectively implement ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and policies.


NCLB focuses and expands ICAO’s support to States for globally harmonized implementation of SARPs so that all States have access to the significant socio-economic benefits of a safe and reliable aviation system. These socio-economic benefits include: expanded tourism; greater access for businesses and producers to foreign supplies and markets; improved emergency transport and search and rescue capabilities; and many other cultural and economic advantages arising from the global connectivity provided by aviation.


The success of NCLB depends in part on the support of, and collaboration with, partners and donors. It requires firm commitment from States, as well as significant investment involving both aviation and non-aviation sectors.


The campaign encourages the provision of resources, through well-established economic development frameworks at both international and national levels, for the effective implementation of global aviation Standards. In this regard, ICAO will use its unique role as an advocate for aviation by:  



​promoting and advising governments on the benefits of aviation for their national aspirations;



​facilitating the mobilization of resources in cooperation with development banks, funds and other financial institutions; and


​c) ​partnering with international organizations on matters of mutual interest.

In the air transport field, to assist States in the liberalization process in line with the NCLB initiative, ICAO made considerable efforts to provide more targeted assistance catering to the needs of States, particularly developing countries.


These include: advocacy activities through various meetings to raise the awareness of States and stakeholders of ICAO policies and guidance in the air transport field; promoting understanding of the pivotal role of aviation and its contribution to broader economic development; and encouraging implementation of ICAO policies such as on liberalization, fair competition, consumer protection, and taxation and charges.


In September, ICAO and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) adopted a related statement at the joint High-level Forum on Tourism and Air Transport Development held in Medellín, Colombia.


In reference to the environmental programme’s assistance to States, ICAO’s capacity-building and assistance strategy for the development and implementation of States’ action plans on CO2 emissions reduction activities is a concrete NCLB example.


In line with the NCLB initiative, the Global Aviation Training (GAT) Office has initiated an action plan to implement a group of recommendations developed by the Council, using an analytical approach to determine the main activities to support Member States in aviation training and human resources development.

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