Implementation of Resolutions of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and of ATConf/6 Recommendations
Facilitating Air Services Negotiations and Fostering Cooperation Between States (ICAN)
Infrastructure Management and Financing the Air Transport System
ICAO Aviation Data
Joint Financing Agreements
Cooperation with Other United Nations Bodies and International Organizations
Outreach and Awareness Activities
Voluntary Support for ICAO’s Work
Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)
ICAO Aviation Data
ICAO Statistics Programme
The ICAO Statistics Programme has been modernized as part of the Enterprise Data Management (EDM) initiative, which aims to harmonize different sources of data at the organizational level, using standard reference tables and taxonomies by creating a holistic repository of cross-functional data.
ICAO is engaging with the United Nations Statistical Commission and providing air transport related inputs for the development of Global Indicators to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda.
Some re-engineering processes related to the ICAO Statistics Programme focused on interoperability with States, the United Nations and other international organizations. These created opportunities for ICAO to leverage its harmonized raw data and transform it into useful information for economic analyses purposes.
The data used for ICORAS (the ICAO CO2 Reporting and Analysis System) has been integrated into the EDM, and the methodology to estimate fuel burn in ICORAS has been modified to reflect the recommendations by the ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP).
The Air Transport Monthly Monitor has been enhanced for internal and external users and is posted every month on the ICAO website. It provides snapshots and analyses of aviation passenger and freight indicators at the regional and global levels.
The second annual State of Air Transport was released, covering the year 2014. This report provided a snapshot and analysis of economic and aviation indicators on world and regional levels, and summarized the expansive passenger and freight traffic statistics produced by ICAO.
The publication includes airline and State traffic statistics as well as airport statistics. It provides the rankings and growth rates of the top 15 airlines, States and airports for each ICAO Region, and further contains valuable analysis on low-cost carriers’ market penetration and traffic seasonality at the global level and across all ICAO Regions. Finally, the publication was enhanced with new articles regarding airline and airport financial results for 2014.
ICAO Statistical Online Platform
The statistical online platform, ICAO DATA+ was re-engineered to enhance the data’s dissemination process. The new ICAO DATA+ web-platform was enhanced with visual analytical functions, allowing users to quickly see trends, differences and similarities between data selections and to make competitive benchmarking analyses. Use of this web-platform has reduced the cost of distribution.
The statistical online platform was presented at several international events, such as statistical workshops, symposiums and other air transport events. Six modules of the user-friendly ICAO DATA+ are available and new tools were developed to facilitate capacity-building, planning and implementation activities as part of the No Country Left Behind (NCLB) initiative. The tools were demonstrated during the IWAF (ICAO World Aviation Forum) in November.
Forecasting Activities
Relevant provisions of the “Consolidated Statement of Continuing ICAO Policies in the Air Transport Field”, adopted by the 38th Session of the Assembly (A38-14), called on the Council to develop a single long-term forecast from which customized or more detailed forecasts can be produced for various purposes, such as safety, air navigation system planning, aviation system block upgrade (ASBU) and environmental analysis.
Further to this request by the governing bodies to harmonize traffic data, the Secretariat worked in collaboration with Member States and CAEP to generate a harmonized data set that was used for the generation of traffic forecasts.
For the first time, ICAO in collaboration with experts from the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) worked towards improving the models used for forecasting activities in ICAO. ICAO and the experts worked to develop highly sophisticated econometric models and arrive at forecasts by route groups.
Economic Analysis
ICAO’s study on regional differences in international airline operating economics is used by States, international organizations and the airline industry to evaluate the impact of regulatory change for environmental planning and assessment.
Results of the study are also used by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to prorate passenger revenues from interline journeys and by the Universal Postal Union (UPU) to determine basic airmail conveyance rates, thus generating revenue.
The application and the data used for the study have been integrated into the EDM framework, resulting in savings in time and associated costs.