CART Report - Recommendations

Recommendation 1

During the global COVID-19 outbreak, Member States should continue updating COVID-19 Contingency Related Differences (CCRDs) in the Electronic Filing of Differences (EFOD) subsystem.


Recommendation 2

Member States should avoid retaining any COVID-19 related alleviation measures as soon as normal operations are resumed. Differences that remain after the contingency if any should be filed in the EFOD system.


Recommendation 3

Member States should expedite the development of guidance for safety management of new operations or operation change during this crisis.


Recommendation 4

Global and regional harmonization of procedures is essential to strengthen public and passenger confidence in air travel. To that end, Member States should establish aviation public health procedures aligned with the guidance in the Take-off: Guidance for Air Travel through the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis.


Recommendation 5

In order to support the fastest possible return to normal aviation operations, Member States should regularly review the necessity of continuing the application of risk mitigation measures as the risk of COVID-19 transmission diminishes; and measures which are no longer needed should be discontinued.


Recommendation 6

Member States that have not done so should immediately establish a National Air Transport Facilitation Committee (or equivalent) as required by Annex 9 to increase national level cross-sectoral coordination.


Recommendation 7

Member States should systematically use a Passenger Health Locator Form to ensure identification and traceability of passengers to help limit the spread of the disease and resurgence of the pandemic.


Recommendation 8

While temporarily adapting their security-related measures, using the guidance provided, Member States should strengthen their oversight system to ensure these measures are consistently applied with the objective of protecting aviation against acts of unlawful interference.


Recommendation 9

Member States should take measures to ensure that relevant personnel are provided training to identify and manage unruly passenger situations related to non-respect of essential aviation public health and safety measures.


Recommendation 10

Member States should consider appropriate extraordinary emergency measures to support financial viability and to maintain an adequate level of safe, secure and efficient operations, which should be inclusive, targeted, proportionate, transparent, temporary and consistent with ICAO's policies, while striking an appropriate balance among the respective interests without prejudice to fair competition and compromising safety, security and environmental performance.


Recommendation 11

Member States should facilitate information-sharing and exchange on their actions and best practices by contributing to an ICAO database of measures.

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