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Task Force on Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Humanitarian Aid and Development (TF-UHAD)


The Task Force on UAS for Humanitarian Aid and Development (TF-UHAD) was established to support the Secretariat in guiding ICAO Member States, international organizations and industry seeking to leverage the operation of unmanned aircraft for humanitarian aid and development purposes in the absence of clear, enabling regulations at the national level. The work of the TF-UHAD expedited the development of harmonized UAS regulations by national civil aviation authorities, thus contributing to the safe and efficient expansion of these potentially life-saving operations with particular focus on responding to contingency and emergency situations. In this way, the work of the TF-UHAD assisted in advancing many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.



The TF-UHAD’s mandate was in keeping with the 39th Session of the ICAO Assembly’s broad support for ICAO taking a leadership role in the development of standards and guidance material (Doc 10071, A39-TE refers) for the proper harmonization of regulations on UAS that remain outside of the international instrument flight rules (IFR) framework.



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