
(click on image to enlarge)

ICAO Safety Auditor's Training on the Comprehensive Systems Approach
Montréal, 15/12/2004
ID: 00001    Right click here to download a high resolution image (3.78 MB)

Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Coordination Meeting
Paris, 28/01/2005
Representatives of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Eurocontrol and IATA together with ICAO EUR/NAT Office staff at the final Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Coordination Meeting.
ID: 00002    Right click here to download a high resolution image (0.32 MB)

Second Meeting of the Flight Crew Licensing and Training Panel (FCLTP/2)
Montréal, 11/02/2005
FCLTP/2 was held in Montreal, 31 January - 11 February 2005.
ID: 00003    Right click here to download a high resolution image (2.80 MB)

Presentation of the King Tutankh Amoun Tapestry to ICAO
Montréal, 10/03/2005
King Tutankh Amoun Tapestry was a present by the Ministry of Civil Aviation of the Arab Republic of Egypt. It was presented to ICAO on 10 March 2005. From left to right: Dr. Taïeb Chérif, Secretary General of ICAO; Dr. Assad Kotaite, President of the Council of ICAO; Mr. M. E. Refaat, Representative on the Council of ICAO for The Arab republic of Egypt.
ID: 00004    Right click here to download a high resolution image (4.09 MB)

The Second Safety Oversight Auditor (SOA) Training Course
Montréal, 03/03/2005
The Second SOA Training Course to prepare auditors for the new cycle of safety oversight audits based on the comprehensive systems approach for the conduct of safety oversight audits was held in Montreal from 22 February to 3 March 2005.
ID: 00005    Right click here to download a high resolution image (1.98 MB)

Acceptance by Egypt of the Montreal Convention of 1999
ICAO HQ, Montréal, 24/02/2005
Egypt deposited its instrument of acceptance of the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, done at Montreal on 28 May 1999 (Montreal Convention of 1999) during a brief ceremony at ICAO headquarters on 24 February 2005. Left to right: Mr. M.E. Refaat, Representative of Egypt on the Council of ICAO; Dr. Taïeb Chérif, Secretary General; and Mr. Denys Wibaux, Director, Legal Bureau.
ID: 00006    Right click here to download a high resolution image (3.17 MB)

Singapore deposits its instruments of ratification
ICAO HQ, Montréal, 16/12/2004
On 16 December 2004, Singapore deposited its instruments of ratification of the Protocols relating to the Final paragraph of the Chicago Convention introducing the Arabic and Chinese texts of the Convention. From left to right: Mr. Paul Yap, Alternate Representative of Singapore on the Council of ICAO; Mr. Bong Kim Pin, Representative of Singapore on the Council of ICAO; Dr. Taïeb Chérif, Secretary General; and Mr. Denys Wibaux, Director, Legal Bureau.
ID: 00007    Right click here to download a high resolution image (3.67 MB)

International Aviation Building in course of construction
Montréal, 1949
The International Aviation Building, 1080 University Street, Montréal, the first permanent accommodation of the ICAO was completed on 15 July 1949 and replaced temporary quarters consisting of two adjoining buildings on Dominion Square.
ID: 00008    Right click here to download a high resolution image (11.94 MB)

Air Navigation Commission of the ICAO
Montréal, 21/09/1949
Air Navigation Commission meeting held in Montreal, 21 September 1949. See also v.11, P-14. Air Navigation Commission meeting held in Montreal on 13 January 1949. Mr. W.J. Binaghi was elected Chairman. Members are: Major Gomes, Brazil; Mr. Stuart Graham, Canada; Mr. Y.C. Wu, China; Col. C. Teyssier, France; Mr. J. van der Heijden, Netherlands; Mr. A. Hansen, Sweden; Mr. G.J. Warcup, U.K.; Mr. H. Walker Percy, U.S.
ID: 00009    Right click here to download a high resolution image (2.80 MB)

Council Chamber at the ICAO first headquarters in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Montréal, 1949
The Council Chamber and the Delegates Lounge were located on the 10th floor of International Aviation Building ready for occupancy on 15 July 1949.
ID: 00010    Right click here to download a high resolution image (8.83 MB)

Simultaneous interpretation booth at the ICAO first headquarters, International Aviation Building, Montreal
Montréal, 1949
ICAO Conference Centre and the interpretation booth were located on the 10th floor of the International Aviation Building completed on 15 July 1949.
ID: 00011    Right click here to download a high resolution image (3.75 MB)

Lounge at the ICAO first headquarters, International Aviation Building, Montreal.
Montréal, 1949
The Council Chamber and the Delegates Lounge were located on the 10th floor of International Aviation Building ready for occupancy on 15 July 1949.
ID: 00012    Right click here to download a high resolution image (8.84 MB)

Council Chamber, ICAO
Montréal, 1946
In June 1946, due to unsatisfactory accomodation in the Dominion Square Building, the PICAO Council solicited office space in Sun Life Building and started to move there administrative offices.
ID: 00013    Right click here to download a high resolution image (9.18 MB)

International Aviation Building - first ICAO permanent headquarters
Montréal, 1949
The International Aviation Building, 1080 University Street, Montréal, Quebec became the first permanent accomodation of the ICAO on 15 July 1949.
ID: 00014    Right click here to download a high resolution image (11.95 MB)

PICAO Interim Assembly, Windsor Hall
Montréal, 1946
1st, Interim Assembly held at the Windsor Hotel, Montréal, Quebec from 21 May to 07 June 1946.
ID: 00015    Right click here to download a high resolution image (11.81 MB)

PICAO Divisional Meeting, taking place in Dominion Square Building
Montréal, 1946
Between Fall 1945 and Spring 1947 approximately 24 PICAO divisional meetings were held in Montreal. In June 1946, due to unsatisfactory accomodation in the Dominion Square Building, the PICAO Council solicited office space in Sun Life Building and started to move there administrative offices.
ID: 00016    Right click here to download a high resolution image (8.77 MB)

PICAO Divisional Meeting, taking place in Dominion Square Building.
Montréal, 1946
Between Fall 1945 and Spring 1947 approximately 24 PICAO divisional meetings were held in Montreal. In June 1946, due to unsatisfactory accomodation in the Dominion Square Building, the PICAO Council solicited office space in Sun Life Building and started to move there administrative offices.
ID: 00017    Right click here to download a high resolution image (8.99 MB)

Meeting of Interim Council of PICAO
Montréal, 1946
Members of Interim Council of PICAO in Council Chamber in Sun Life Building, Montreal. L. to R: Major Alf Heum, Norway; Mr. B.M. Gupta, India; Dr. Luis Alvarado, Peru; Sir James Cotton, U.K.; Major General Laurence S. Kuter, U.S.; Mr. Hikmet Anter, Turkey; Dr. F.H. Copes van Hasselt, Netherlands; Mr. Luis L. Duplan, Mexico; Ali Fuad Bey, Iraq; Mr. Henri Bouché, France; Mr. Shehab-El-Din, Egypt; Dr. M.T. Obregon, Columbia; Captain L. Tacchi, Chile; Dr. T.F. Reis, Brazil; Mr. A.R. McComb, Australia; Mr. T.J. O'Driscoll, Ireland; Dr. Josef Kalenda, Czechoslovakia; Dr. Albert Roper, Secretary General; Dr. Edward Warner, President of the Interim Council; Lt. Colonel Jean Verhaegen, Belgium; Mr. Anson C. McKim, Canada; and Mr. T.Y. Yang, China.
ID: 00018    Right click here to download a high resolution image (8.89 MB)

First ICAO General Assembly. Delegates and press men in lobby of the Windsor Hotel
Montréal, 05/1947
1st, ICAO General Assembly was held in Montreal, Quebec from 06 May to 27 May 1947.
ID: 00019    Right click here to download a high resolution image (9.89 MB)

Mr. Denys Wibaux, Director of the Legal Bureau
Montréal, 16/02/2005
Mr. Denys Wibaux (France), Director of the Legal Bureau appointed in 2004
ID: 00020    Right click here to download a high resolution image (1.47 MB)

Accession by Croatia to the Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives
ICAO HQ, Montréal, 24/02/2005
Croatia deposited its instrument of accession to the Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives during a brief ceremony at ICAO headquarters on 24 February 2005. Left to right: Mr. Ante Barbir, Chargé d'affaires, a.i., Embassy of Croatia in Ottawa; Mr. Denys Wibaux, Director, Legal Bureau; and Mr. Marijan Oresnik, Counsellor, Embassy of Croatia in Ottawa.
ID: 00021    Right click here to download a high resolution image (3.50 MB)

Dr. Edward Warner
Montréal, 1951
Edward Pearson Warner was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on 9 November 1894. Dr. Warner was a member of the United States delegation to the Chicago Conference and took an active part in its work on economic and technical problems, serving as Rapporteur of the Technical Committee. He served as President of the Council of PICAO and ICAO from 1945 to 1957 and retired on 18 April 1957. On 11 July 1958, Dr. Edward Pearson Warner died in Duxbury, Massachusetts. He was 63.
ID: 00022    Right click here to download a high resolution image (5.54 MB)

Dr. Albert Roper
Montréal, 1951
Albert Jean François Roper was born in Paris on 21 April 1891. He was Secretary General of the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization (PICAO) from 1944 to 1947 and became the Secretary General of ICAO on 28 May 1947. He held that position until his retirement on 31 December 1951. Dr. Albert Roper died on 2 May 1969 at the age of 78.
ID: 00023    Right click here to download a high resolution image (5.24 MB)

Ernst Carl Robert Ljungberg
Montréal, 1952
Ernst Carl Robert Ljungberg was born in Sweden on 17 July 1897. Mr. Ljungberg was appointed Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization on 1 January 1952 and served for a period of seven years. Mr. Ljungberg retired on 31 July 1959 and died on 9 September 1982 at the age of 85.
ID: 00024    Right click here to download a high resolution image (5.94 MB)

Walter Binaghi
Caracas, Venezuela, 19/06/1956
Walter Binaghi was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 13 July 1919. He became Chairman of the Air Navigation Commission in February 1949 and was annually re-elected in that capacity until he assumed the position of President of the Council in April 1957. From 1944 until 1957, Mr. Binaghi attended every ICAO Assembly, first as an Argentine Delegate and subsequently as President of the Council. He served as President of the Eighth, Seventeenth (Extraordinary) and Twenty-first Sessions of the Assembly. At the fourth meeting of its Thirtieth Session on 20 February 1957, the Council of ICAO unanimously elected Walter Binaghi as its President. He retired on 31 July 1976, having served for nearly 29 years at ICAO, the last 19 of which were as President of the Council.
ID: 00025    Right click here to download a high resolution image (3.12 MB)

ICAO 18th. Assembly
Vienna Austria, 1971
Left to right: Mr. W. Binaghi, [?], and Dr. A. Kotaite. ICAO 18th. Assembly. Vienna Austria, 15 June - 8 July, 1971.
ID: 00026    Right click here to download a high resolution image (2.47 MB)

Dr. Albert Roper
Montreal, 1946
Albert Jean François Roper was born in Paris on 21 April 1891. He was Secretary General of the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization (PICAO) from 1944 to 1947 and became the Secretary General of ICAO on 28 May 1947. He held that position until his retirement on 31 December 1951. Dr. Albert Roper died on 2 May 1969 at the age of 78. Photo taken during the First Interim PICAO Assembly held in Montreal from 21 May to 07 June 1946
ID: 00027    Right click here to download a high resolution image (5.89 MB)

Dr. Edward Warner and Dr. Albert Roper
Montréal, 08/1945
First Session of Interim Council (PICAO). Montreal, 15 to 30 August 1945.
ID: 00028    Right click here to download a high resolution image (6.46 MB)

Dr. Edward Warner
Montréal, 1946
Dr. Edward Warner, President of the PICAO Council addressing First Interim PICAO Assembly held in Montreal, PQ from 21 May to 07 June 1946.
ID: 00029    Right click here to download a high resolution image (3.43 MB)

Dr. Edward Warner speaking at the First Interim Assembly
Montréal, 1946
Dr. Edward Warner addressing the First Interim PICAO Assembly held in Montreal, QC from 21 May to 07 June 1946.
ID: 00030    Right click here to download a high resolution image (5.94 MB)

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