Assembly Working Papers

All Assembly Working Papers By


Working Papers and Order of Business
(for the Plenary, Executive Committee and all Commissions)

Number Agenda Item Presented By Order of Business
Administrative Commission (AD) list list list list
Economic Commission (EC) list list list list
Executive Committee (EX) list list list list
Legal Commission (LE) list list list list
Plenary (P) list list list list
Technical Commission (TE) list list list list


As a means of achieving greater efficiency in the timely processing and issuance of Assembly working papers, the ICAO Secretariat is introducing the “Additional co-sponsors page”.


Once a Working Paper by a Member State or International Organization has been published, any requests for the inclusion of additional co-sponsors or any changes to the names of co-sponsors can be reflected through the “Co-sponsors” link next to that working paper. This offers Delegates the advantage of being able to instantly have access to an up-to-date listing of co-sponsors for working papers, and avoids the volume of revisions to documentation published on Assembly website.

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