Invitation letter
Provisional agenda
Information bulletin
Project document
Working Papers
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WP1.1 Adoption of the agenda and work programme
WP2.1 Review of the status of the SC/4 Meeting decisions
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WP3.1 Update on the Revision C of the Project Document
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WP4.1 Project implementation status
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WP4.2 Review of the project 2023 Budget
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WP4.3 Status of the Project Membership
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WP4.4 Challenges in the implementation of the project activities
WP4.5 CODEVMET, un outil de mise en oeuvre pour l’OACI et les Etats participants
WP5.1 Update on the implementation mechanism for the project activities
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WP5.2 Update on the actions taken on the Codevmet SC/4 Decision 4/7
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WP5.3 Cadre de coopération entre les AAMAC et le Projet CODEVMET-AFI de l’OACI
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WP5.4 Project work plan for the period 2024/2025
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WP 5.5 Project budget for 2025
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WP7.1 Venue and date for the next SC meeting (SC/6)
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