Twenty-third Meeting of the AFI Satellite Network Management Committee 


 (Accra, Ghana, 15-19 February 2016)


Title​ Language​ ​
Invitation Letter​
​Registration Form (Word)
Information Bulletin​




​WP # Appendix​ ​TITLE LANGU​AGE​ ​
​WP/1 ​Draft Agenda
​WP/2 Status of implementation of the Conclusions/Decisions of SNMC 22
​WP/3A ​Review of Operational statistics_SEC
​WP/3B ​Review of Operational statistics__NAMA
​WP/4A Interconnection and Interoperability of AFISNET_ATNS
​WP/5A ​Report of the External Audit of AFISNET
​APP 5A Plan of Action
WP/5B​​ ​Financial  Report Audit
WP/6​ Review of the Conclusions /Decisions of APIRG/20 meeting
​WP/7 ​Outcome of WRC 15
APP ​7 ​Resolution 154 (Rev.WRC-15)
​WP/8 Review of the Terms of Reference of SNMC
WP/10​​ ​Development of Training Programme
WP/11​ ​Calibration Center
WP/12​ ​Operational Statistics-OPMET_ASECNA
​WP/13 ​Operational Statistics-FPL missing_ASECNA
​WP/14 ​Operational Statistics_ASECNA
​WP/15 ​SNMC Webpage Design
​​WP/17 ​Satellite based ADS-B_GCAA
​WP/18 ​ICAO and IFATSEA improvements PANS_TRG - ATSEP
​​WP/19 ​ATC_civil_ overview _ROHDE&SCHWARZ
​WP/20 ​Intelsat Update
IP/1​​ ​Information Bulletin
​IP/2 ​Work Programme
​ ​
Report of the meeting​
Appendix A - List participants
​Appendix B - Follow-up of SNMC/22 conclusions and Decisions
Appendix C - Calibration Center
Appendix D - Outstanding deficiencies
Appendix E - Resolution 154 (Rev. WRC-15)
Appendix F - Terms of Reference
Appendix G - Template for SNMC Future venue


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