Financial Overview – Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)


2013 Financial Highlights

Extracts of the Audited Financial Statements

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Internal Control Framework (ICF)

Budget of the Organization for 2014-16

Evaluation and Internal Audit Office (EAO)



In 2013, the Bureaus performed a risk assessment by identifying the internal and external risks relating to their area of work while also highlighting existing mitigating actions that have been implemented to date in order to control these risks. Risks and mitigating actions were also identified on a corporate level for the Organization.


The risk registers are in line with the Business Plan structure and the Strategic Objectives (SO), and some core organizational administrative functions such as Human Resources, Finance, Procurement and Information Technology also maintain their respective risk registers.


Enterprise Risk Management has been successfully institutionalized at ICAO with updates occurring twice per annum; in addition, risk owners are accountable for managing their risks on a day-to-day basis ensuring the Organization is handling risk appropriately.

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