Strategic Objective C2 – Sustainable Development of Air Transport - 38th Session of the Assembly


38th Session of the ICAO Assembly

Results of the Sixth Air Transport Conference

Facilitating Air Services Negotiations and Fostering Cooperation Between States

Infrastructure Management and Financing the Air Transport System

ICAO Aviation Data

Joint Financing Agreements

Cooperation with other United Nations Bodies

Outreach and Awareness Activities

Voluntary Support for ICAO’s Work

Technical Cooperation Projects



38th Session of the ICAO Assembly


The fourth ICAO/McGill Pre-Assembly Symposium was held at ICAO Headquarters on 21 and 22 September to address key issues identified by ICAO and McGill University in the air transport economics and navigation fields at the operational, management and policy levels. The principal objective of the Symposium was to provide State delegates, industry representatives and other air transport stakeholders with a preparatory forum for the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly. The Symposium was attended by over 300 participants from 75 States, 13 international organizations and seven academic institutions.


During the 38th Session of the Assembly, the Economic Commission reviewed the work of ICAO in the air transport field since the last Assembly, noting particularly the new Strategic Objective —Economic Development of Air Transport — adopted by the Council for the 2014-2016 triennium. It also reviewed the outcome of the Sixth Worldwide Air Transport Conference (ATConf/6) and endorsed the recommendations of the Conference and the Council’s plan of action for follow-up work. The Assembly adopted Resolution A38-14 Consolidated statement of ICAO’s continuing policies in the air transport field which will govern the work of the Organization in the new triennium.

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