Supporting Implementation Strategies — Legal Services and External Relations — International interests in mobile equipment

International interests in mobile equipment


On behalf of the Council in its capacity as the Supervisory Authority of the International Registry, the Secretariat continued to monitor the operation of the Registry to ensure that it functions efficiently in accordance with Article 17 of the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town Convention).


During the Seventh meeting of its 207th Session in February 2016, the Council approved the changes to the Regulations and Procedures for the International Registry (Doc 9864) and to the Rules of Procedure for the Commission of Experts of the Supervisory Authority of the International Registry (CESAIR) (Doc 9893), both as recommended by CESAIR at its seventh meeting held in December 2015. Pursuant to Article 62 (2) (c) of the Cape Town Convention and Article XXXVII (2) (c) of Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment (Aircraft Protocol), the Supervisory Authority regularly receives information from the Depositary on ratifications, declarations, denunciations and designations of entry points. As at 31 December 2016, there were 74 ratifications and accessions to the Cape Town Convention and 66 ratifications and accessions to the Aircraft Protocol.

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