Supporting Implementation Strategies — Human Resources

Human Resources statistics


At the end of December 2016, there were 583 established posts within the Organization, of which 295 posts were in the Professional and higher categories and 288 were in the General Service category. Women occupied 29 per cent of the Professional and higher categories posts. There were 208 supernumerary funded posts (excluding Trust Funded posts that are accounted for under seconded personnel) of which 80 were Professional and 128 General Service. Non-staff categories accounted for 22 per cent of the total workforce (130 consultants and 67 seconded personnel). In total, 101 nationalities were represented in the overall workforce of ICAO. In general, the total workforce has expanded over the years, particularly in the use of non-staff categories of personnel to meet increasing programme requirements.


Outreach strategies


The Secretariat implemented various outreach strategies aimed at attracting candidates from all Member States. These initiatives included increasing the number of internship opportunities; awarding an Aviation Scholarship under a partnership with the International Aviation Women’s Association (IAWA) ; and engaging two Young Aviation Professional officers jointly with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Airports Council International (ACI), to acquire experience in the regulatory work of ICAO and in aviation in general.


Gender equality


This year, ICAO hosted the first-ever forum on Gender Equality in Aviation, in conjunction with the 28th Annual Conference of the IAWA. The main outcome of the Forum was a Joint IAWA/ICAO Statement on Gender Equality in Aviation, which strengthens the existing partnership between ICAO and IAWA and clarifies the future direction and focus of shared efforts towards enhancing gender equality in aviation. Leading up to the Forum, a photo contest was held on the subject of “Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in Aviation”. The objective of the contest was to increase the visibility of women in aviation and aerospace and to promote efforts towards enhancing gender equality and the empowerment of women in the air transport sector. The photo contest was inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5, “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”.


The 39th Session of the Assembly adopted Resolution A39-30, “ICAO Gender Equality Programme promoting the participation of women in the global aviation sector”. The Resolution calls for intensified efforts to be made by Member States and the ICAO Secretariat towards establishing and/or strengthening initiatives related to gender equality. In this connection, ICAO has contacted other members of the United Nations common system with the aim of establishing partnerships for outreach activities and programmes within the educational sector in order to encourage youth to pursue studies in scientific and technical disciplines, which could ultimately lead to careers in aviation.

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